Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Cloghonan 45 mins Books about local history, internet access Introduction to the history and naming of Cloghonan Activity 1: Research the history of Cloghonan
Activity 2: Create a timeline of significant events
Activity 3: Discuss the origin and meaning of the name "Cloghonan"
Summarize the history and significance of Cloghonan Assess students understanding through quiz and timeline presentation
2: Notable Person 45 mins Biographies, internet access Introduction to a notable person from the area Activity 1: Read and discuss the biography
Activity 2: Role-play an interview with the person
Activity 3: Draw a portrait of the person
Summarize the impact of this person on the local area or Ireland Assess through discussion, role-play and portrait drawing
3: Geography of Cloghonan 45 mins Maps, internet access Introduction to the local geography Activity 1: Identify geographical features on a map
Activity 2: Discuss how these features have influenced the development of the area
Activity 3: Take a virtual tour of the area using Google Maps
Summarize the key geographical features of Cloghonan Assess through map reading skills and discussion
4: Mapping Skills 45 mins Paper, pencils, rulers, internet access Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Practice using a compass and scale
Activity 2: Draw a map of Cloghonan
Activity 3: Use Google Maps to verify their map accuracy
Summarize the importance of accuracy in map making Assess through map drawing and accuracy checking
5: Biodiversity 45 mins Internet access, local flora and fauna guides Introduction to biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Identify local species using guides
Activity 2: Discuss the importance of these species to the local ecosystem
Activity 3: Brainstorm ways to protect the local biodiversity
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and conservation Assess through species identification and discussion
6: Visual Arts 45 mins Paper, pencils, coloring materials Introduction to using the local area as inspiration for art Activity 1: Sketch a local landmark
Activity 2: Create a collage of local species
Activity 3: Paint a landscape of Cloghonan
Summarize the importance of environment in art Assess through art creation and discussion