Welcome to Cloghonan

Cloghonan is a small, charming townland located in County Tipperary, Ireland. Its Irish name, "Cloch Ó nAnnáin," means "Stone of Ó nAnnáin," hinting at its deep history. Although there aren't any big historical events associated with Cloghonan, it's equally fascinating due to its rich agricultural past.

Long ago, Cloghonan was home to a community of hardworking farmers. They used to wake up at the crack of dawn to tend to their animals and crops. They grew potatoes, barley, and turnips and had cows, sheep, and chickens. The farmers would then sell their products to the local markets, contributing to the townland's economy.

Stone walls are a common sight in Cloghonan. These were built hundreds of years ago by the farmers to separate their fields. Can you imagine? The same walls you see today were built by people living centuries ago!

Even though Cloghonan might seem like a quiet place, it's actually bustling with history. Every stone, every field, and every road has a story to tell. So next time you visit, remember to listen closely. You might just hear the whispers of the past!

  1. What does the Irish name "Cloch Ó nAnnáin" mean in English?
  2. What kind of crops did the farmers in Cloghonan grow?
  3. Why were stone walls built in Cloghonan?
  4. How did the agricultural activities of farmers in Cloghonan contribute to its economy?
  5. If you visited Cloghonan, what aspects would you look out for to learn more about its history?

All About Cloghonan

Cloghonan is a lovely little place in County Tipperary, Ireland. It's surrounded by beautiful, rolling green hills that you would love to roll down! One of the most important streets here is the L4122. It's not a long or winding road but it takes you right through the heart of Cloghonan. You'd see charming old houses and friendly people.

In Cloghonan, you'll find different types of plants and animals. You might see a few Irish hares hopping around in the fields. If you're lucky, you might spot a red fox! In the spring, you'll see daffodils popping up everywhere and in the summer, beautiful roses bloom.

The Suir River flows nearby. It's a long river that stretches all the way across Tipperary. If you look closely, you might see fish like salmon and trout swimming in it. It's a great place for a picnic!

One of the most special things about Cloghonan is its old post box. It's bright red and you can't miss it. It's a reminder of old times when letters were the main way people stayed in touch. So, Cloghonan may be small, but it's full of beautiful sights and sounds for you to explore and enjoy!.

  1. What types of plants and animals can you find in Cloghonan?
  2. What is the importance of the L4122 road in Cloghonan?
  3. Describe the Suir River and its geographical significance.
  4. Explore the area of Cloghonan using a map. Can you find any other geographical features not mentioned in the text?
  5. Using a map, trace the route of the Suir River as it flows across Tipperary. Where does it start and where does it end?

My Family and Cloghonan

Hi there, I'm Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I live in Cloghonan, Co. Tipperary. It's a wonderful place to grow up. We have beautiful green fields and a lot of cows and sheep. My favourite is Mr. Moo, one of our cows.

There's a lot of fun places to visit here in Cloghonan. We have a big park where I play with my friends. It has a cool slide and swings. We also have a tall tower, it's called the O'Keeffe's Tower. I sometimes wonder if a princess lives there.

We also have a river, the River Ara. It's fun to skip stones on it. Dad says it's famous for fishing. I once caught a fish there, it was this big!

I go to school in Cloghonan too. It's called St. Mary's School. I love my teacher and my friends. We learn lots of cool stuff and play games.

I love Cloghonan because it's my home and it's where my friends and family are. Plus, we have the best ice cream shop in the world!

  1. What is Jamie's favourite animal in Cloghonan?
  2. Describe the park where Jamie plays with friends.
  3. What does Jamie wonder about the O'Keeffe's Tower?
  4. What is the name of Jamie's school?
  5. Why does Jamie love Cloghonan?

The Logainm of Cloghonan

Cloghonan is a special place in County Tipperary, Ireland. The name 'Cloghonan' is actually an English way to say its Irish name 'Cloch Ó nAnnáin'. In English, it means 'Annáin's Stone'. But who is Annáin, you ask? Well, nobody knows for sure. It could be the name of an old chieftain or leader who lived there a long time ago, or maybe it refers to a special stone that was important to people in the past.

But guess what, Cloghonan isn't just about the past. People still live there today! They go to school, have fun, and live their lives, all in a place with a name that carries a touch of history. It's like living in a storybook, isn't it? So next time you hear about Cloghonan, remember, it's not just a name, it's a story!

  1. What does Cloghonan mean in English?
  2. Who might Annáin be?
  3. Why do you think the place is named after a stone?
  4. What does it tell you about the people who named it?
  5. How does knowing the meaning of Cloghonan's name make you feel about the place?

Slideshow - Cloghonan
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Cloghonan