Lesson No. Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 45 mins Books, Internet, Projector Introduce the history of Clifden Co. Galway, focusing on the logainm of the placename. Activity 1: Research on the origin and meaning of the placename Clifden. Activity 2: Quiz on the history of Clifden. Activity 3: Drawing the historical landmarks of Clifden. Recap the history and logainm of Clifden Co. Galway. Quiz score and participation in activities.
2 45 mins Books, Internet, Projector Introduce John D'Arcy, the founder of Clifden. Activity 1: Writing a biography of John D'Arcy. Activity 2: Drawing a timeline of D'Arcy's life. Activity 3: Role playing as John D'Arcy. Recap the life and contribution of John D'Arcy. Quality of biography, timeline and role play.
3 45 mins Books, Internet, Map Introduce the natural geography of Clifden Co. Galway. Activity 1: Identifying geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Creating a model of Clifden's geography. Activity 3: Quiz on Clifden's geography. Recap the geographical features of Clifden Co. Galway. Quiz score and participation in activities.
4 45 mins Blank Maps, Pencils, Rulers Introduce mapping skills and the area of Clifden. Activity 1: Drawing a map of Clifden. Activity 2: Adding geographical features to the map. Activity 3: Using the map for a treasure hunt game. Recap mapping skills and the area of Clifden. Quality of map and participation in activities.
5 45 mins Books, Internet, Outdoor Equipment Introduce biodiversity and conservation in Clifden. Activity 1: Identifying local species. Activity 2: Cleaning up a local park. Activity 3: Planting native plants. Recap biodiversity and conservation in Clifden. Participation in activities and understanding of biodiversity and conservation.
6 45 mins Art Supplies Introduce the local area as a stimulus for art. Activity 1: Drawing a landscape of Clifden. Activity 2: Creating a sculpture inspired by Clifden. Activity 3: Painting a local landmark. Recap the use of local area as a stimulus for art. Quality of artwork and understanding of the local area.