Welcome to Clifden

Clifden, located in County Galway, Ireland, is a wonderful town with a rich history. It's not as old as some places in Ireland, as it was only founded in 1812. That's over 200 years ago!

John D'Arcy, a local landlord, built the town to give homes and jobs to the people living in the area. He built a castle for his family, but today, only the ruins are left for us to see.

One of the most exciting things in Clifden's history happened in 1907, when an Italian inventor named Guglielmo Marconi built a big radio station. It was here that the first ever wireless message was sent across the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Canada. Imagine that, a message flying across the sea without any wires!

And in 1919, two brave pilots named Alcock and Brown flew their plane from Newfoundland in Canada and landed in a bog near Clifden. It was the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

So, you see, Clifden may not be the oldest town in Ireland, but it's definitely one of the most interesting! It's a place where history was made, and that's what makes it special.

  1. Who founded the town of Clifden, and in which year was it founded?
  2. What did Guglielmo Marconi build in Clifden in 1907?
  3. Who were Alcock and Brown, and what did they do in Clifden in 1919?
  4. Why do you think the ruins of John D'Arcy's castle are still important to the town of Clifden?
  5. Imagine you could send a wireless message to someone across the Atlantic Ocean, like Marconi did. Who would you send it to and what would you say?

All About Clifden

Clifden, a small town in County Galway, Ireland, is like an amazing adventure playground. It's nestled between the Twelve Bens mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, giving us lots of beautiful landscapes to explore. A trip to Clifden wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Sky Road, a beautiful circular route that offers stunning views of the sea and the mountains. Imagine standing on a hill and seeing the blue water on one side and the tall, majestic mountains on the other!

The town of Clifden is full of colourful houses and shops, each one unique and special. And in the wilderness around it, you can find many different types of plants and animals. You might spot a red deer darting through the forest or a seal splashing in the ocean.

Rivers flow through the land, like the Owenglin River that runs right through Clifden. On a sunny day, the water sparkles like diamonds. If you're very quiet, you might even spot a playful otter!

So, whether you're in town or exploring the countryside, there's always something exciting to see in Clifden, Co. Galway. It's like a big, beautiful, natural playground waiting for your adventure.

  1. What kind of landscapes can you find in Clifden, Co. Galway?
  2. Describe the Sky Road and explain why it is a popular attraction in Clifden.
  3. Using a map, can you trace the route of the Owenglin River as it flows through Clifden?
  4. If you were to explore the area around Clifden yourself, what geographical feature would you be most interested in finding and why?
  5. What types of plants and animals could you potentially see in the wilderness around Clifden?

My Family and Clifden

Hi there, I'm Izzie and I'm 8 years old. I live in Clifden, Co. Galway. It's really cool because it's like living in a postcard! There's the amazing Sky Road. It's a long road that goes up into the hills. When you're up there, you can see all of Clifden and even the sea. It's my favourite place to go on a bike ride with my dad.

Then there's the Clifden Castle. It's an old ruin now but my teacher says it was once a big and beautiful house. I like to imagine what it would have been like when people lived there. It's a little bit spooky, but I like it.

We also have Connemara National Park. It's a great place for picnics and exploring. I love to watch the wild horses there, they're so free and untamed. Sometimes I wish I could be a wild horse, running free in the park.

So, that's a bit about me and where I live. I love Clifden, and I hope you can visit it too someday!

  1. What is Izzie's favourite place to go on a bike ride with her dad?
  2. What does Izzie imagine about the Clifden Castle?
  3. What kind of animals does Izzie see in the Connemara National Park?
  4. What does Izzie wish she could be when she sees the wild horses?
  5. What does Izzie love about living in Clifden, Co. Galway?

The Logainm of Clifden

Clifden is a lovely town in County Galway, Ireland. The name "Clifden" comes from the Irish words "An Clochán", which means "the stepping stones". It's called this because long ago, there were little stones that people used to cross the river there.

One of the most famous things about Clifden is its beautiful castle. This castle was built by a man named John D'Arcy over 200 years ago! He was a very important person in Clifden's history, and he also started the town. Today, people still visit the ruins of the castle to learn about its history.

Clifden is also famous for Marconi Station. This is where Guglielmo Marconi, a really smart scientist, sent the first radio message across the Atlantic Ocean. This happened over 100 years ago, but it was a huge deal at the time!

Today, Clifden is a vibrant town full of fun things to do and see. There are festivals, music, and lots of outdoor activities. Even though it's changed a lot over time, the history of Clifden is still very much alive and important to the people who live there.

  1. What does the name "Clifden" mean in English?
  2. Who was John D'Arcy and why was he important to Clifden?
  3. What is Marconi Station and why is it famous?
  4. How has Clifden changed over time?
  5. Why is the history of Clifden important to the people who live there today?

Slideshow - Clifden
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Clifden