Welcome to Cleen

Cleen is a small townland in County Roscommon, Ireland. It's like a tiny dot on the map, but don't let its size fool you! Cleen has its own special history.

This place has been here for a very long time. Long ago, people lived here and worked on the land. They grew their food and raised animals. You can still see old stone walls that were built by these people. It's like a peek into a history book!

Cleen might not be famous for a big event, but its charm lies in its everyday stories. Imagine the children who went to the old schoolhouse or the farmers who worked in the fields. They all had their own adventures right here in Cleen.

So, Cleen might not have castles or grand battles in its past, but it still has a rich history. Every stone, every field, and every tree in Cleen has a story to tell. The next time you visit, try to imagine the people who were here before you and the lives they led. It's like being a detective in time!

  1. What county is Cleen located in?
  2. What can you see that was built by the people who lived here long ago?
  3. What does the author suggest you imagine when you visit Cleen?
  4. Why do you think the author refers to visiting Cleen as being a "detective in time"?
  5. What does the phrase "everyday stories" suggest about the history of Cleen?

All About Cleen

Cleen is a beautiful place in the county of Roscommon, Ireland. It's like a delightful painting filled with green hills and sparkling rivers. One of the most famous streets here is Main Street, where you can see the old post office and the local bakery. Walking down this street feels like stepping into a storybook!

Nature has been very generous to Cleen. Green fields are home to all sorts of wonderful animals like sheep, cows, and even some playful rabbits. If you're quiet and patient, you can spot colorful birds like robins and blue tits.

The River Suck is a long, winding river that flows through Cleen. It's an important part of the town, providing water and a home to many fish. And let's not forget the Lough Ree, a beautiful lake that's part of the Shannon river system. You can even see swans there!

The most famous landmark in Cleen is the ancient stone monument named Rathcroghan. It's a special place full of history and mystery!

Cleen is a charming place, filled with friendly people, beautiful nature, and rich history. It's a little slice of Ireland's magic!

  1. What kind of animals can you find in the green fields of Cleen?
  2. Describe the importance of the River Suck to the town of Cleen.
  3. What is the most famous landmark in Cleen and why is it special?
  4. Use a map to locate Cleen in County Roscommon. What towns or landmarks are nearby?
  5. Explore the area of Cleen yourself. Can you find a place or feature of geographical interest that was not mentioned in the text? Describe what you find.

My Family and Cleen

Hi, I'm Ollie, and I'm 8 years old! I live in Cleen Co, Roscommon and it's a super cool place. One of the best things here is the Roscommon Castle! It's huge and really old. I sometimes imagine I'm a knight protecting it.

Another thing I love about Cleen Co. is all the green fields and farms. My friend Jamie has cows and I love visiting them. They are so big and gentle, but they make a lot of poop. Yuck! But it's still fun.

There's also a cool river nearby where I love to skip stones with my friends. But we must be careful not to fall in because it's pretty deep. I also like trying to spot fishes. They're so quick and sneaky.

There's even a beautiful church in our town. It has a tall tower that you can see from miles away. I sometimes get to ring the bell on Sunday mornings. It's super loud but really fun!

So, this is my little world in Cleen Co., Roscommon. It's small but full of adventures for an 8-year-old like me!

  1. How does Ollie feel about living in Cleen Co., Roscommon?
  2. What are some of the things that Ollie likes to do in his town?
  3. What does Ollie imagine when he sees the Roscommon Castle?
  4. Why does Ollie think that skipping stones in the river is fun?
  5. What is one responsibility that Ollie has at the church in his town?

The Logainm of Cleen

Cleen is a special place in County Roscommon, Ireland. The word 'Cleen' comes from the Irish language. In English, it means 'little ridge'. It's like a long hill. Many years ago, people named places based on their look, what happened there, or who lived there. So, maybe Cleen was named after a small ridge that was in the area.

Over time, people have lived, worked, and played in Cleen. They've shared stories, traditions, and even the name of the place. The name Cleen has been passed down from generation to generation. It's like a living memory of the people who lived there before us. The people of Cleen today are proud of their history and they keep the Irish language alive by using the Irish name for their home.

  1. Why do you think Cleen was named after a 'little ridge'?
  2. How do you think people felt when they passed down the name Cleen from generation to generation?
  3. Why is it important to keep the Irish language alive?
  4. Can you think of other places that might have been named after what they look like?
  5. How does the history of a place like Cleen connect to the people living there today?

Slideshow - Cleen
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Cleen