Lesson Objective(s) Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Introduction to Clara Barton Objective 1, Objective 3 60 minutes - Pictures of Clara Barton
- Whiteboard or flipchart
- Markers or chalk
1. Begin the lesson by showing pictures of Clara Barton and asking students if they recognize her.
2. Introduce Clara Barton as an inspirational woman who lived in the past and made significant contributions to society.
1. Discuss with students where and when Clara Barton lived, and what she is famous for.
2. Connect Clara Barton's achievements to the child's life by asking students if they have ever needed help in an emergency situation.
3. Engage students in a class discussion about the importance of helping others and the role of first aid in emergencies.
1. Recap the key points about Clara Barton's life and achievements.
2. Ask students to share their thoughts and feelings about Clara Barton and her work.
3. Encourage students to think about how they can help others in their own lives.
Observe students' participation and engagement in class discussions.
Lesson 2: Contributions of Clara Barton Objective 2 60 minutes - Books or articles about Clara Barton
- Whiteboard or flipchart
- Markers or chalk
1. Review the previous lesson by asking students to recall who Clara Barton was and what she is famous for.
2. Introduce the concept of contributions and discuss how individuals can contribute to society and culture.
1. Provide students with books or articles about Clara Barton's contributions.
2. Have students read or explore the information in small groups.
3. Facilitate a class discussion on the impact Clara Barton had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
1. Summarize the main contributions of Clara Barton.
2. Encourage students to reflect on the importance of making positive contributions to society.
3. Discuss how Clara Barton's work still influences us today.
Observe students' comprehension of Clara Barton's contributions during the class discussion.
Lesson 3: Clara Barton's Timeline Objective 4 60 minutes - Large chart paper or whiteboard
- Markers or chalk
- Pictures of Clara Barton at different stages of her life
1. Introduce the concept of a timeline and its purpose.
2. Explain that students will be creating a timeline of Clara Barton's life.
1. Show pictures of Clara Barton at different stages of her life and discuss the key events or achievements represented in each picture.
2. Guide students in creating a timeline on the chart paper or whiteboard, labeling each event or achievement with the corresponding year or period.
3. Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts during the process.
1. Review the completed timeline with the class.
2. Discuss the significance of each event or achievement in Clara Barton's life.
3. Reflect on how the timeline helps us understand the sequence of events in her life.
Assess students' understanding of chronological order by checking their participation in creating the timeline.
Lesson 4: Clara Barton's Inspiration Objective 2, Objective 3 60 minutes - Art supplies (paper, coloring materials, glue, scissors)
- Inspirational quotes by Clara Barton
1. Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of inspiration and its importance.
2. Introduce Clara Barton as an inspirational figure and share some of her quotes.
1. Engage students in a class discussion about the quotes, asking them to reflect on the meanings and messages behind them.
2. Have students create their own inspirational posters or cards, using Clara Barton's quotes as inspiration.
3. Encourage students to personalize their creations and share their thoughts on how Clara Barton inspires them.
1. Allow students to present their inspirational posters or cards to the class.
2. Discuss the various ways in which Clara Barton inspires different students.
3. Reflect on the power of inspiration and how it can positively impact our lives.
Observe students' creativity and engagement during the creation of their inspirational posters or cards.
Lesson 5: Clara Barton's Legacy Objective 2, Objective 3 60 minutes - Technology devices with internet access
- Clara Barton's biography videos or documentaries
1. Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of legacy and its significance.
2. Introduce Clara Barton's legacy as an influential figure.
1. Show videos or documentaries about Clara Barton's life and work.
2. Facilitate a class discussion on Clara Barton's lasting impact and how her legacy continues to inspire others.
3. Encourage students to think about how they can create their own positive legacies.
1. Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
2. Reflect on the importance of leaving a positive impact on the world.
3. Discuss ways in which students can start building their own legacies.
Observe students' active participation in the class discussion and their ability to reflect on Clara Barton's legacy.
Lesson 6: Clara Barton's Reflection Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3 60 minutes - Reflection sheets or journals
- Writing materials
1. Begin the lesson by asking students to recall what they have learned about Clara Barton throughout the previous lessons.
2. Discuss the impact Clara Barton's life and work has had on the students.
1. Provide students with reflection sheets or journals and ask them to write a letter to Clara Barton, expressing their thoughts, feelings, and gratitude.
2. Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned, how they have been inspired, and how they can apply Clara Barton's lessons in their own lives.
1. Allow students to share excerpts from their letters or reflections with the class.
2. Discuss the common themes and insights that emerge from the students' reflections.
3. Emphasize the lasting impact Clara Barton has had on the students.
Assess students' ability to reflect on Clara Barton's life and articulate their thoughts and feelings through their letters or reflections.