Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Clane Co. Kildare 1 hour Books about Clane Co. Kildare, internet access Introduce the history of Clane Co. Kildare, focusing on the history of the placename.
  1. Present a brief overview of the history.
  2. Explore the history of the placename.
  3. Discuss the significance of the placename in the history of the area.
Summarize the importance of the placename in the history of Clane Co. Kildare. Short quiz on the history of the placename and its significance.
2: Notable person from the area 1 hour Books, internet access Introduce a notable person from the area, or close by, and their significance.
  1. Discuss the person's life and achievements.
  2. Explore how they influenced/impacted the area.
  3. Discuss any landmarks or locations linked to this person.
Summarize the person's impact on the area. Short essay on the notable person and their impact on the area.
3: Natural geography of the area 1 hour Map of area, internet access Introduce the natural geography of Clane Co. Kildare.
  1. Discuss the rivers, mountains, lakes, etc. in the area.
  2. Explore the significance of these features.
  3. Discuss how these features have shaped the area.
Summarize the importance of the natural geography to the area. Short quiz on the natural geography of the area.
4: Mapping skills 1 hour Maps, pencils, papers Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance.
  1. Teach basic mapping skills.
  2. Give students tasks to map the area.
  3. Discuss their maps and any difficulties they encountered.
Summarize the importance of mapping skills. Assess the students' maps and their understanding of mapping skills.
5: Biodiversity 1 hour Field guides, notebooks, pencils Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance.
  1. Explore the local area for biodiversity.
  2. Discuss ways to protect the local biodiversity.
  3. Discuss the importance of biodiversity to the area.
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. Students write a short report on their findings and ideas for protecting biodiversity.
6: Visual arts 1 hour Art supplies Introduce the idea of using the local area as a stimulus for creating art.
  1. Discuss various art mediums.
  2. Students create a piece of art inspired by the local area.
  3. Discuss their artwork and the inspiration behind it.
Summarize the importance of art in expressing our perception of the world around us. Assess the students' artwork and their understanding of the art process.