Welcome to Clane

Clane is a charming townland found in County Kildare, Ireland. Its history is like a giant storybook filled with fascinating tales. This townland has an old, lovely abbey, which is like a castle from your favourite fairy tales!

Many, many years ago, around the time of knights and castles, Clane was known as a place of learning. It was like a big outdoor school! A wise man named Ailbe of Emly started this school in the 6th century - that's over 1,400 years ago!

One amazing thing that happened in Clane was the meeting of the Irish Chieftains in 1167. Imagine all the important leaders from different parts of Ireland gathered in Clane to discuss important matters. Just like in the stories where kings and queens meet for a grand council!

Today, Clane might look like a regular townland with houses, shops, and schools, but remember, its streets and fields hold whispers of the wonderful history it has seen. So, the next time you walk around Clane, think about the knights studying under trees and the grand meetings of chieftains. It's like stepping into a storybook!

  1. What is Clane known for in its history?
  2. Who started the outdoor school in Clane and when did it start?
  3. What important event happened in Clane in 1167?
  4. How does the history of Clane influence how we should view the townland today?
  5. Imagine you are a knight studying in Clane in the 6th century. What things might you learn and experience?

All About Clane

Clane is a lovely village located in County Kildare, Ireland. It's a small place but full of beauty and charm. Its main street, Main Street, is where most of the action happens. Here, you'll find shops, restaurants, and even an old church called St. Patrick & St. Brigid's Church. It's a perfect place to take a little stroll.

One of the most wonderful things about Clane is its natural beauty. The River Liffey flows nearby, where you can see ducks and swans happily swimming. In the springtime, colourful flowers like daisies and buttercups bloom along the riverbank, making it even more beautiful.

Clane doesn't have mountains, but it's surrounded by soft, green hills where sheep love to graze. The landscape is dotted with trees like ash, oak, and hawthorn. You might even spot a cheeky squirrel or a gentle deer if you're lucky!

In Clane, you'll also notice different types of street furniture like benches, lamp posts, and bus stops. They might seem ordinary, but they're important for people to rest, light up the street at night, and wait for buses.

Isn't Clane a special place? Its mix of bustling village life and peaceful nature makes it a perfect spot to live or visit.

  1. What natural feature flows near Clane and what wildlife can you see there?
  2. What are some of the types of street furniture that can be found in Clane?
  3. Using a map of Clane, identify the main street and the location of the St. Patrick & St. Brigid's Church.
  4. Describe the landscape that surrounds Clane.
  5. Explore Clane for yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest that wasn't mentioned in the text above?

My Family and Clane

Hi, I'm Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Clane in Co. Kildare. It's a pretty neat place to grow up. We've got loads of fun stuff to do. One of my favourite places is the Abbey Community Centre. It's big and has a fun playground where I like to hang with my friends.

There's also the Liffey River that flows right by Clane. Sometimes, I go there with my family. We have picnics and feed the ducks. I like to watch them swim and quack-quack-quack!

Clane is known for its super old buildings. There's a big round tower in the center of the town. It's so tall and I bet you could see the whole world from the top! There's also a church that's very old. It's called St. Patrick and St. Brigid's Church. I go there with my family on Sundays. It's peaceful and nice.

So, that's a little about me and my hometown, Clane. It's a great place to live and I am happy to call it my home.

  1. What is Ollie's favourite place in Clane and why?
  2. What does Ollie like to do at the Liffey River?
  3. What can you tell about the round tower in the center of Clane?
  4. What is the name of the church Ollie visits and when does he go there?
  5. How does Ollie feel about living in Clane?

The Logainm of Clane

Clane is a lovely town in the county of Kildare, Ireland. The word 'Clane' is an English version of the Irish word 'Cluain', which means meadow. Long ago, the area now known as Clane was a big, beautiful meadow. Imagine a wide, open space with green grass, colorful wildflowers, and the sound of birds singing. That's what a meadow is like.

A famous person associated with Clane is Saint Ailbe, who built a monastery in the town around the 6th century. A monastery is a place where monks live and pray. You can think of Saint Ailbe as a very old teacher, as monasteries were important places of learning in the past. Today, Clane is a bustling town with schools, shops, and lots of people, but we still remember its history as a peaceful meadow and the home of Saint Ailbe's monastery.

  1. What does the word 'Clane' mean in English?
  2. What is a meadow?
  3. Who was Saint Ailbe and what did he build in Clane?
  4. How was a monastery important in the past?
  5. How has Clane changed from being a meadow to the town it is today?

Slideshow - Clane
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Clane