Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources: Biography of Chien-Shiung Wu, pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu, world map, markers, whiteboard or chart paper

- Display a picture of Chien-Shiung Wu and ask students if they know who she is.
- Explain that Chien-Shiung Wu was an inspirational woman who made significant contributions in the field of physics.

- Read aloud the biography of Chien-Shiung Wu, highlighting key information about her life and accomplishments.
- Show pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu's experiments and explain their significance.
- Discuss with students the importance of her work and how it has influenced the world.

- Have a class discussion about the impact Chien-Shiung Wu had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
- Ask students to share their thoughts on why Chien-Shiung Wu is an inspirational woman.

- Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they have learned about Chien-Shiung Wu.
- Assess their understanding based on their written responses.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources: Books or articles about Chien-Shiung Wu, art supplies (paper, colored pencils, markers)

- Recap the previous lesson by asking students to share some key facts they learned about Chien-Shiung Wu.
- Explain that in this lesson, they will explore Chien-Shiung Wu's contributions to society and culture.

- Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a book or article about Chien-Shiung Wu.
- In their groups, students should read the text and discuss the impact Chien-Shiung Wu had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
- Each group should create a poster summarizing their findings and present it to the class.

- Have a class discussion about the different contributions Chien-Shiung Wu made to society and culture.
- Reflect on how her work has paved the way for future generations.

- Assess students' understanding based on their participation in the group discussion and the quality of their poster presentations.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources: Chart paper, markers

- Display a chart paper with the heading "Connections to Chien-Shiung Wu."
- Ask students to brainstorm ways in which they can connect Chien-Shiung Wu to their own lives.

- Give each student a sticky note and ask them to write down one way they feel connected to Chien-Shiung Wu.
- Have students come up one by one and stick their notes on the chart paper under the appropriate heading.
- Facilitate a class discussion on the different connections students have made.

- Summarize the connections made by the class and highlight the importance of finding inspiration in others.
- Encourage students to continue exploring and learning about inspirational figures.

- Assess students' understanding based on their active participation in the discussion and the quality of their connections to Chien-Shiung Wu.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources: Chart paper, markers, pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu, timeline templates (printed or drawn)

- Display pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu and remind students of her accomplishments.
- Explain that they will be creating a timeline of Chien-Shiung Wu's life.

- Provide each student with a timeline template or have them draw their own on chart paper.
- Using the information learned in previous lessons, students should fill in the timeline with key events from Chien-Shiung Wu's life.
- Encourage students to include pictures and captions to make their timelines visually appealing.

- Have students share their timelines with the class, explaining the significance of each event.
- Discuss the importance of timelines in understanding historical figures.

- Assess students' understanding based on the accuracy and completeness of their timelines, as well as their ability to explain the significance of each event.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources: Whiteboard or chart paper, markers, pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu

- Display pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu and ask students to recall some key facts about her.
- Explain that in this lesson, they will be reviewing what they have learned about Chien-Shiung Wu.

- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific aspect of Chien-Shiung Wu's life or work.
- Each group should create a short skit or role-play based on their assigned aspect.
- Allow time for groups to rehearse and prepare their skits.

- Have each group perform their skit in front of the class.
- Facilitate a class discussion on the different aspects of Chien-Shiung Wu's life and work.

- Assess students' understanding based on their participation in the skits and their ability to accurately portray Chien-Shiung Wu's life and work.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources: Art supplies (paper, colored pencils, markers, magazines with pictures)

- Display pictures of Chien-Shiung Wu and ask students to recall some of her accomplishments.
- Explain that in this lesson, they will be creating an artwork inspired by Chien-Shiung Wu.

- Provide each student with art supplies and encourage them to create a visual representation of Chien-Shiung Wu and her work.
- Students can use a variety of materials, including colored pencils, markers, and pictures cut from magazines.
- Circulate around the classroom, providing assistance and guidance as needed.

- Ask students to share their artwork with the class, explaining the inspiration behind their creations.
- Discuss the different interpretations and symbolism used in the artworks.

- Assess students' understanding based on the creativity and effort put into their artworks, as well as their ability to explain the connection to Chien-Shiung Wu.