Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Objective: The child should find out the historical figure Che Guevara, where and when they lived, and what they are famous for.

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Storybooks about Che Guevara, pictures of Che Guevara, world map

Introduction: Show pictures of Che Guevara and ask the children if they recognize him. Discuss their prior knowledge about Che Guevara. Explain that Che Guevara was a historical figure who lived in Argentina and later became involved in the Cuban Revolution. Share a brief background story about Che Guevara.

Development: Read aloud a storybook about Che Guevara's life. Show the world map and locate Argentina and Cuba. Discuss the significant events in Che Guevara's life and his contributions.

Conclusion: Recap the key information about Che Guevara, including where and when he lived, and what he is famous for. Encourage children to ask questions and express their thoughts.

Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture of Che Guevara and write a short paragraph describing what they have learned about him.
Objective: The child should explore the historical figure Che Guevara's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact the figure had on their time and how their work has influenced the world.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Books, articles, or online resources about Che Guevara's contributions, writing materials

Introduction: Recap the previous lesson's key points about Che Guevara. Explain that today, we will focus on Che Guevara's contributions to society and culture.

Development: Provide children with books, articles, or online resources about Che Guevara's contributions. In groups, have them read and discuss the impact he had on his time and how his work has influenced the world. Encourage them to prepare a short presentation to share their findings.

Conclusion: Allow each group to present their findings and engage in a class discussion about the significance of Che Guevara's contributions. Encourage children to express their thoughts and opinions.

Assessment: Assess children's group presentations and participation in the class discussion.
Objective: The child should connect the historical figure Che Guevara to their life.

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Art supplies, paper, pencils

Introduction: Review the previous lessons' key points about Che Guevara. Explain that today, we will explore how Che Guevara's life and ideals can relate to the children's own lives.

Development: Ask children to think about their own values and what they believe in. Have them create an art piece that represents their values and ideals. Encourage them to write a short paragraph explaining how their art piece relates to Che Guevara's ideas.

Conclusion: Allow children to share their art pieces and paragraphs with the class. Engage in a discussion about how their values and ideals connect to Che Guevara's beliefs.

Assessment: Assess children's art pieces and their ability to explain the connection between their values and Che Guevara's ideas.
Objective: The child should design a timeline of the life of the historical figure Che Guevara.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Large sheets of paper, markers, pictures of Che Guevara, timeline examples

Introduction: Recap the previous lessons' key points about Che Guevara. Explain that today, we will create a timeline to visually represent the significant events in Che Guevara's life.

Development: Show examples of timelines and discuss their purpose. Provide children with large sheets of paper and markers. In groups, have them research and create a timeline of Che Guevara's life, including important dates and events. Encourage them to include pictures.

Conclusion: Allow each group to present their timelines to the class. Engage in a discussion about the similarities and differences between the timelines. Reflect on the importance of visual representations in understanding historical figures.

Assessment: Assess children's timelines based on accuracy, creativity, and presentation skills.