Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Objective 1 40 minutes Pictures or images of Charles Parnell, books or online resources about him - Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have heard of Charles Parnell and what they know about him.
- Show pictures or images of Charles Parnell and briefly discuss his appearance.
- Introduce Charles Parnell as a historical figure and explain that he lived in Ireland during the 19th century.
- Ask the students to share their thoughts on what they think Charles Parnell is famous for.
- Provide information about Charles Parnell's background, where and when he lived, and his role in Irish politics.
- Discuss his famous activities, such as his leadership in the Irish National Land League and his efforts towards Home Rule.
- Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussions about Charles Parnell.
- Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
- Remind students of Charles Parnell's significance in history and his impact on Irish society.
- Ask the students if they have any final questions or comments.
- Informally assess students' participation during discussions.
- Observe their engagement and understanding of Charles Parnell's background and famous activities.
Objective 2 45 minutes Books or online resources about Charles Parnell, paper and pencils for each student - Begin the lesson by asking the students to share any information they remember about Charles Parnell from the previous lesson.
- Discuss the concept of contributions to society and culture, and explain that Charles Parnell made significant contributions during his lifetime.
- Ask the students why they think it is important to study historical figures and their contributions.
- Provide information about Charles Parnell's contributions to society and culture, focusing on his political achievements and impact on Irish politics.
- Discuss the influence he had on the Irish Land War and his efforts towards Home Rule.
- Encourage students to share their thoughts on how Charles Parnell's work has influenced the world.
- Summarize the key contributions discussed during the lesson.
- Discuss the importance of recognizing and appreciating the contributions of historical figures like Charles Parnell.
- Ask the students to reflect on how Charles Parnell's work has impacted their lives.
- Assess students' understanding and participation during class discussions.
- Evaluate their ability to recognize and explain Charles Parnell's contributions to society and culture.
Objective 3 40 minutes Paper and pencils for each student - Begin the lesson by asking the students to recall what they learned about Charles Parnell in the previous lessons.
- Discuss the concept of connecting historical figures to the students' lives and why it is important.
- Ask the students if they can think of any connections between Charles Parnell and their own lives.
- Facilitate a class discussion where students share their thoughts on how Charles Parnell's actions and beliefs relate to their own lives.
- Encourage students to think about the importance of leadership, standing up for what they believe in, and making positive changes in their communities.
- Summarize the connections made between Charles Parnell and the students' lives.
- Discuss the importance of learning from historical figures and applying their values and actions to their own lives.
- Ask the students to reflect on how they can make a positive impact in their own communities.
- Assess students' ability to make connections between Charles Parnell and their own lives.
- Evaluate their participation during the class discussion and their reflection on making a positive impact.
Objective 4 60 minutes Books or online resources about Charles Parnell, large poster paper, markers, images of significant events during Charles Parnell's life - Begin the lesson by asking the students if they remember any significant events or milestones from Charles Parnell's life.
- Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in organizing and understanding historical events.
- Show examples of timelines and discuss their structure and purpose.
- Provide information about Charles Parnell's life and significant events, focusing on key milestones and achievements.
- Show images of significant events and ask the students to place them in chronological order.
- Guide the students in creating a class timeline of Charles Parnell's life on the poster paper.
- Review the class timeline of Charles Parnell's life, discussing the significance of each event.
- Ask the students to reflect on their understanding of Charles Parnell's life and the importance of timelines in studying history.
- Assess students' ability to sequence and organize events in chronological order.
- Evaluate their participation in creating the class timeline and their reflection on the importance of timelines.