Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of Chad
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Map of Africa, pictures of Chad's landscape

Introduction: Begin by locating Chad on the map of Africa and discuss its position relative to other countries.

Development: Show pictures of Chad's diverse landscapes - deserts, savannas, and lakes. Discuss the climate, rivers, and vegetation found in Chad.

Conclusion: Recap the key points about Chad's geography and encourage students to ask questions.

Assessment: Ask students to draw a simple map of Chad labeling its major geographical features.
Lesson 2: Facts about N'Djamena, Chad
Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of N'Djamena, information sheets on the capital city

Introduction: Show pictures of N'Djamena and ask students what they notice about the city.

Development: Present three interesting facts about N'Djamena such as its history, population, and main attractions.

Conclusion: Have students share their thoughts on N'Djamena and discuss any similarities or differences with their own city.

Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they find fascinating about N'Djamena.
Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Chad
Time Allocation: 30 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of the Zakouma National Park

Introduction: Introduce the concept of landmarks and discuss why they are important.

Development: Show pictures and talk about the Zakouma National Park, a famous landmark in Chad known for its wildlife and conservation efforts.

Conclusion: Encourage students to think about the significance of preserving natural landmarks like Zakouma National Park.

Assessment: Have students draw a picture of Zakouma National Park and write a short description of its importance.
Lesson 4: Creating a Tour Guide for Chad
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Brochures, images of tourist attractions in Chad

Introduction: Explain the purpose of a tour guide and discuss the key elements that should be included.

Development: Have students work in groups to research and create a tour guide for a tourist planning to visit Chad. Include information on places to visit, things to do, and cultural aspects.

Conclusion: Each group presents their tour guide to the class and discuss what they have learned about Chad.

Assessment: Evaluate the tour guides based on creativity, accuracy of information, and presentation skills.