
Chad is a country in Africa with many interesting geographical features. It is known for its vast desert called the Sahara in the north, which has lots of sand and very little rainfall. In the south, there are forests and grasslands where animals like elephants and lions live. The country also has a big lake called Lake Chad, which provides water for people and animals.

Chad is a landlocked country, which means it doesn't have any coastline or access to the sea. The country has hot and dry weather most of the year, but in the south, there is more rain which helps plants and crops grow. Chad is home to many different ethnic groups who speak different languages and follow different traditions.

Overall, Chad is a diverse country with a mix of deserts, forests, and grasslands. The people who live there rely on the land for their food and water, and they work hard to take care of their environment. Chad's unique geography makes it a special place to learn about different landscapes and ecosystems.

  1. What is the name of the desert in the north of Chad?
  2. Where do elephants and lions live in Chad?
  3. What is the name of the big lake in Chad?
  4. How does the weather differ between the north and south of Chad?
  5. Why is Chad considered a diverse country?

A Visit to N'Djamena

Hi, my name is Nora and I'm 8 years old. Today, I want to tell you about my exciting visit to N'Djamena, Chad! It was a super cool experience that I can't wait to share with you all.

  1. I saw the Grand Marché, which is a big market in N'Djamena. It was bustling with people selling all kinds of things like colorful fabrics, handmade crafts, and delicious fruits.
  1. What did Nora see at the Grand Marché in N'Djamena?
  2. Why was the market bustling with people?
  3. What kind of items were being sold at the market?
  4. How did Nora feel about her visit to N'Djamena?
  5. What was the most interesting thing Nora saw in N'Djamena?

Chad Fact Finder

Main Cities 
Languages Spoken
National Dishes
Highest Mountain
Longest River
Neighbour Countries
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Chad, how about creating a guide for a tourist thinking about visiting? You should include a number of landmarks or tourist attractions they should visit. You could also find them accommodation and restaurants. You might design an itinerary on an online mapping site with directions to each place. Be inventive and see what you can produce!
Slideshow - Chad
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