Sure, here are the lesson plans. ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Castleturvin 60 minutes Books about the history of Castleturvin, Map of Castleturvin Introduction to the area of Castleturvin and its history. Discussion of the origin of the placename. 1. Explore the history of the placename through a group discussion. 2. Map the historical landmarks in the area. 3. Create a timeline of the area's history. Summary of the history of Castleturvin and its placename's origin. Class discussion and review of timelines.
2: Notable Person 60 minutes Biographical books or online resources about the chosen person. Introduction to the chosen notable person from the area or nearby. 1. Read about the chosen person's life and achievements. 2. Discuss the person's impact on the area. 3. Create a short presentation about the person. Discussion about the person's impact and legacy in the area. Presentations and class discussions.
3: Geography of Castleturvin 60 minutes Map of Castleturvin, Pictures of local geographical features Introduction to the geographical features of Castleturvin. 1. Identify and discuss local features like rivers, mountains, etc. 2. Discuss how these features have influenced the lives of people in the area. 3. Draw a map showing these features. Summary of the geographical features of Castleturvin and their significance. Review of maps and class discussions.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Map of Castleturvin, Mapping tools like compasses and rulers Introduction to mapping skills and their importance. 1. Demonstrate how to use mapping tools. 2. Practice using these tools to map Castleturvin. 3. Discuss the importance of accuracy in mapping. Discussion of the importance of mapping and the skills learned. Review of maps and class discussions.
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Books about local biodiversity, Pictures of local flora and fauna Introduction to biodiversity and its importance in Castleturvin. 1. Discuss local flora and fauna. 2. Discuss ways to protect and enhance local biodiversity. 3. Create a plan for a biodiversity project in the area. Summary of the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it. Review of project plans and class discussions.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies, Pictures of Castleturvin Introduction to using the local area as a stimulus for art. 1. Discuss different ways to represent Castleturvin in art. 2. Create a piece of art based on Castleturvin. 3. Discuss the process and outcome of the art project. Summary of the art project and what it represents about Castleturvin. Review of art projects and class discussions.
``` Please note that Castleturvin is a small area and specific information about its history, notable persons, or geographical features might not be readily available. In such cases, the lesson plans can be adapted to focus on broader topics related to the area's county, Galway.