Welcome to Castletown

Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a place now known as Castletown, Co. Meath, Ireland, there was a grand castle. This castle was so important that the whole area got its name from it, becoming, "Castletown" which means "Town of the Castle".

The castle belonged to the Plunkett family, a very important family in Irish history. One of the most famous members of this family was Saint Oliver Plunkett, who was a brave and kind man. He lived in the 17th century, which is over 300 years ago!

Even though the castle is no longer there, we still remember its exciting past. Today, Castletown is a peaceful place, with beautiful green fields and friendly people. There are farms where animals like cows, sheep, and horses live. We also have schools, shops, and a big park for everyone to enjoy.

So, even though it might seem like just a small townland in Co. Meath, Castletown has a rich history that goes back hundreds of years. Isn't it amazing to think about all the stories this place could tell if it could talk?

  1. What does "Castletown" mean?
  2. Who was Saint Oliver Plunkett?
  3. What type of animals can you find in Castletown today?
  4. Why do you think it's important to remember the history of places like Castletown?
  5. If you could ask the townland of Castletown one question, what would it be and why?

All About Castletown

Welcome to Castletown, a beautiful little place in County Meath, Ireland! This charming spot is full of interesting places to explore. One of the coolest parts of Castletown is the River Boyne. It's a big, winding river that flows right through the town. The river is home to lots of wildlife. If you're lucky, you might spot some otters playing in the water or kingfishers diving for their lunch!

There's a lot of greenery in Castletown, too. There are many fields and meadows filled with colorful wildflowers and busy bees in the spring and summer. During your visit, you might see cows and sheep happily munching on the grass.

The town itself has lots of lovely streets. One of the most famous is the Main Street, where you can see the beautiful Castletown House. It's a historic house that's been standing for centuries!

The town also has special benches called "street furniture". These are places where you can sit down, rest, and enjoy the view of the natural beauty around you.

So, are you ready to explore Castletown? It's a place full of nature, history, and lots of fun!

  1. What is the name of the river that flows through Castletown?
  2. What can you find on the Main Street of Castletown?
  3. Name one type of wildlife you might see near the River Boyne.
  4. Using a map, can you find another town or city that is near to Castletown in County Meath?
  5. Explore the area around Castletown (either in person or via online resources). Can you find a geographical feature that wasn't mentioned in the article? Describe what you found.

My Family and Castletown

Hi! I'm Izzy, and I just turned 8! I live in a super cool place called Castletown Co. Meath. It's in Ireland, if you didn't know. My favourite thing about living here is the big, old castle! It's called Castletown House, and it's the biggest one in Ireland!

There's also a really pretty river that flows near my house, it's the River Boyne. Sometimes, I go there with my friends and we have the best time ever! We skip stones and have picnics. It's the most fun thing to do in Castletown Co. Meath!

There's also a big, open park called St. Cuthbert's Park. I love going there to play football with my friends. It's super fun and makes me feel strong and fast!

But the best part about Castletown Co. Meath is the people. Everyone is really nice and friendly. They always have time to stop and chat or help you if you need it. I feel very lucky to be growing up here! Bye for now!

  1. What is Izzy's favourite thing about living in Castletown Co. Meath?
  2. Who does Izzy usually go to the River Boyne with?
  3. What activities does Izzy love doing at the River Boyne?
  4. Where does Izzy play football?
  5. What does Izzy feel about the people in Castletown Co. Meath?

The Logainm of Castletown

Castletown Co. Meath, known in Irish as Baile na Cuirte, is a wonderful place filled with history. The name 'Baile na Cuirte' translates to 'Town of the Castle' in English. A long time ago, people used to build castles to protect themselves and their land. The 'Town of the Castle' probably got its name because there was a castle there in the past, which would have been an important part of the town's life.

These castles were often the homes of important people, like lords and ladies. They held meetings, feasts, and made decisions that affected everyone living in the town. Over time, these castles might have been destroyed or fallen into ruin, but the town kept its historic name.

Today, there might not be an actual castle in Castletown Co. Meath, but the history and the stories of the past are still a part of the town. The name 'Town of the Castle' is a reminder of the people who lived there long ago and the life they led. It helps us remember our past and where we come from.

  1. What does 'Baile na Cuirte' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the town was named 'Town of the Castle'?
  3. Who used to live in the castles long ago?
  4. Even though there might not be a castle in Castletown Co. Meath today, why is the name still important?
  5. How does remembering the name 'Town of the Castle' help us understand our history?

Slideshow - Castletown
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Castletown