Welcome to Castlemaine

Castlemaine, in County Kerry, is a very special townland with a rich history. Long, long ago, in the 1600s, it was home to a man named Hugh O'Connell. He wasn't just any man, he was the great-grandfather of Daniel O'Connell, who grew up to be a very important person in Ireland's history!

You might be wondering why the town is called 'Castlemaine'. Well, it's because there was once a castle there! This castle was built by a man named Sir Thomas Brown. His family lived there for some time, and it's said that the castle was so grand and beautiful that it could be seen from miles away.

But the most exciting story about Castlemaine is about Hugh O'Connell. One day, he was captured by pirates! They took him all the way to Algeria, which is very far away in Africa. But brave Hugh escaped and returned home to Castlemaine.

So, you see, even though Castlemaine may seem like a small place, it has big stories. And who knows? Maybe one day, you could make history in your own townland, just like Hugh O'Connell did!

  1. Who was Hugh O'Connell?
  2. Why is the town called 'Castlemaine'?
  3. What happened to Hugh O'Connell one day?
  4. Why do you think the story of Hugh O'Connell's adventure is important to the history of Castlemaine?
  5. If you could make history in your own townland, what would you like to do? Explain why.

All About Castlemaine

Alright kiddos, let's take a magical trip to Castlemaine, a charming village tucked away in County Kerry, Ireland. Castlemaine is nestled at the base of the stunning Slieve Mish Mountains. These mountains are super old and tall, standing like guardians watching over the village.

Two big rivers, the Maine and the Mill, meet here. They are like chatty friends, full of fish, joining to whisper stories to the sea.

Now, imagine walking down pretty streets like Main Street, where you can see charming houses, friendly shops, and even a historic church. There's also a special place called the Forge, an old blacksmith's workshop. Blacksmiths were like the mechanics of the olden days, fixing everything from horse shoes to metal tools.

Castlemaine is also a wonderland for nature lovers. It's home to lots of animals like Irish hares and foxes, and birds like robins and cuckoos. And the flowers! Beautiful fuschias and wild orchids paint the landscape with dazzling colours.

So, whether it's mountains, rivers, animals, or flowers, Castlemaine is full of exciting things to see and explore. It's like a giant outdoor classroom waiting for you!.

  1. What two rivers meet in Castlemaine and what does the text compare them to?
  2. What is the significance of 'The Forge' in Castlemaine's history?
  3. What animals and flowers are mentioned as part of Castlemaine's natural beauty?
  4. Using a map, can you find another town or village near Castlemaine? What geographical features might you find there?
  5. Next time you visit Castlemaine, what geographical feature would you like to explore? Why does it interest you?

My Family and Castlemaine

Hi, I'm Ollie, and I'm 8 years old! I live in a super awesome place called Castlemaine, in Co. Kerry. It's really neat because there are lots of cool things to see and explore.

One of the best things here is the Wild Atlantic Way, which is this super duper long road along the coast. Sometimes, we take drives there and I can see the waves crashing against the rocks. It's really cool!

Not far from my house, there's also the Ross Castle, which is like this massive castle by a lake. I always imagine knights and princesses living there. I love pretending I'm a brave knight protecting the castle.

We also have the coolest mountains called the MacGillycuddy's Reeks. They're so high, it's like they're touching the sky. I tried hiking there once with my dad and it was super fun.

I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures in Castlemaine!

  1. What is the Wild Atlantic Way?
  2. How does Ollie feel about living in Castlemaine?
  3. What does Ollie imagine when he visits Ross Castle?
  4. Can you tell me about an adventure Ollie had in the MacGillycuddy's Reeks?
  5. What else do you think Ollie might like in Castlemaine?

The Logainm of Castlemaine

Castlemaine, in Co. Kerry, has a name that tells an interesting story. In Irish, it's called "Caisleán na Mainge", which means "Castle of the River Maine". The River Maine is a big, important river that flows through the area. Many, many years ago, people built a castle next to this river. The castle was a big, strong building where local leaders lived. Over time, the English language borrowed this Irish name and it became Castlemaine.

Today, Castlemaine is a small but lovely town. It's still near the River Maine, and even though the old castle isn't there anymore, the name reminds us of the history. The people who live in Castlemaine are proud of their town's Irish name and its history. It's a great example of how place names can tell us about the past.

  1. Why is Castlemaine called "Castle of the River Maine" in Irish?
  2. What does the name Castlemaine tell us about the town's history?
  3. Why do you think people built a castle near the River Maine?
  4. What happened to the castle in Castlemaine?
  5. Why are the people of Castlemaine proud of their town's name?

Slideshow - Castlemaine
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Castlemaine