Welcome to Castlecomer

Castlecomer is a special townland in County Kilkenny, Ireland. Long ago, before your great-grandparents were born, it was known for its coal mines! Yes, just like in the story of Snow White, there were miners, but they weren't dwarfs, they were real people who dug deep into the earth to find coal.

The story starts around 1637, when the first coal mine was opened. For nearly 300 years, mining was a big part of people's lives in Castlecomer. It was hard work but important, as coal was used to heat homes and cook food.

One of the most exciting things that happened was in 1935, when miners hit a spring of water while digging. The mine quickly filled with water, and seven brave miners had to swim to safety. It was a scary day, but everyone was safe in the end.

Today, you can visit Castlecomer Discovery Park where you can learn more about the mines and even see some fossils found there. So, Castlecomer may seem like a quiet place now, but it has a rich and exciting history!

  1. What was Castlecomer known for long ago?
  2. What was the coal from the mines used for?
  3. What happened in 1935 in the coal mine?
  4. Why do you think mining was considered hard work?
  5. If you could ask one of the miners a question, what would it be?

All About Castlecomer

Welcome to Castlecomer, a charming town in County Kilkenny, Ireland! This town is like a treasure chest, filled with wonderful things to discover. One of the main streets here is Kilkenny Street, where you can see many lovely shops. In the middle of the town, there's a big, friendly Discovery Park. It's perfect for a picnic and playing games.

Castlecomer is surrounded by lush green fields and dense forests, home to many creatures. You might see beautiful birds, like the Robin, or curious creatures like squirrels. Plus, lots of pretty wildflowers grow here, like the Bluebell and the Primrose!

In this town, you'll also find the Deen River. This river, winding through the landscape, is like a shiny blue ribbon. You can even fish here! While there are no mountains in Castlecomer, the land is very hilly, which makes it look like a green blanket with lots of bumps!

So, Castlecomer is a wonderful place, with its friendly streets, rich nature, and joyful river. It's a place where every day feels like an adventure! Can you imagine what it would be like to live here?.

  1. What are some of the natural features you might see in Castlecomer?
  2. Describe the Deen River. What activities might you do there?
  3. Using a map of County Kilkenny, can you locate Castlecomer and the Deen River?
  4. If you were to visit Castlecomer, what place would you most want to visit and why?
  5. Explore the area around Castlecomer yourself using online maps or a virtual tour. Can you find something of geographical interest not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Castlecomer

Hi, I'm Izzy and I'm 8 years old. I live in Castlecomer in Co. Kilkenny. It's a really cool place to grow up. There's lots of fun things to do and see here! One of the best things is the Discovery Park. It's full of big, beautiful trees and even a cool playground where I love to swing and slide with my friends.

Did you know that Castlecomer used to be a coal mining town? There's an old coal mine at the Discovery Park that you can visit. I've been there with my class and it was super interesting! We learned a lot about how tough it was to work in the mines.

I also love our local library. It's not too big but it has lots of books. I love to read, especially adventure stories! My friends and I often borrow books and swap them. It's like our own little book club.

Another thing that's special about Castlecomer is the Deerpark. It's a big, open space with lots of deer. I like to go there with my family for picnics. It's so peaceful and the deer are really cute! I love living in Castlecomer. It's my home and it's full of adventures!

  1. What is your favorite thing about Castlecomer Discovery Park?
  2. Can you describe what you learned about the coal mine during your school visit?
  3. What kind of books do you like to read at the library?
  4. How do you feel when you visit the Deerpark and why?
  5. Why do you think Castlecomer is a great place to grow up?

The Logainm of Castlecomer

Castlecomer is a town in County Kilkenny, Ireland. The name 'Castlecomer' comes from the Irish 'Caisleán an Chomair', which means 'Castle at the Confluence'. This refers to where two rivers, the Deen and the Brocagh, meet. In the past, there was a castle here, built by the Comerford family in the 13th century. They were the ones who named the place 'Castlecomer'.

The Comerfords were important people who had a lot of land. They built their castle where the rivers met because it was a good place to live. They could use the water from the rivers and it was a good place to defend against enemies. Today, you can still visit Castlecomer and see where the castle used to be. It's now a place where people come to learn about history, and it's also a lovely spot to play and have picnics.

  1. What does the name 'Castlecomer' mean in English?
  2. Why did the Comerford family build their castle at the confluence of two rivers?
  3. Who were the Comerfords?
  4. What stood where Castlecomer is now, in the past?
  5. How is Castlecomer related to the present day?

Slideshow - Castlecomer
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Castlecomer