Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Explore the themes of the book 60 minutes Copy of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, chart paper, markers Introduce the book and its author. Discuss the concept of themes in a story. Read aloud selected chapters from City of Bones. Ask students to identify and discuss the themes they notice. Summarize the discussion and ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite theme from the book. Review the paragraphs written by students to assess their understanding of the themes.
2 Write a summary of the book 60 minutes Copy of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, paper, pencils Recap the story of City of Bones briefly and explain the purpose of writing a summary. Guide students in creating a summary by highlighting the key events, characters, and main plot points. Allow students time to write their own summaries. Encourage them to check for clarity and coherence. Collect and review the summaries to assess students' ability to effectively summarize the book.
3 Write a review of the book 60 minutes Copy of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, paper, pencils, markers Discuss the purpose and elements of a book review. Show examples if available. Guide students in writing a book review by discussing their opinions about the characters, plot, and writing style. Allow students time to write their own book reviews. Encourage them to use descriptive language and provide reasons for their opinions. Review the book reviews to assess students' ability to express their thoughts and opinions about the book.
4 Create and present own story based on the themes 120 minutes Chart paper, markers, storytelling props (optional) Discuss the process of creating a story based on the themes explored in City of Bones. Guide students in brainstorming ideas and creating a plan for their own stories. Allow students time to write, edit, and illustrate their stories. Encourage creativity and originality. Provide an opportunity for students to present their stories to the class. Assess their ability to communicate effectively and incorporate the themes into their stories.