Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Carlow 60 minutes Books about Carlow, Internet access Start with a brief overview of Carlow's history and its logainm. Discuss the importance of the placename and its meaning. Activity 1: Children research about the history of Carlow and its placename. Activity 2: Make a timeline of key events in the history of Carlow. Activity 3: Write a short story based on a historical event in Carlow. Review the history of Carlow and the meaning of its placename. Discuss the children's findings and stories. Assess the timelines and stories for understanding of Carlow's history and its placename.
2. Notable Person: John Tyndall 60 minutes Books, Internet access Introduce the notable person, John Tyndall, who was a prominent 19th century physicist. Activity 1: Research about John Tyndall and his contributions. Activity 2: Create a poster about his life and work. Activity 3: Role play an interview with John Tyndall. Discuss John Tyndall's contributions and their importance. Assess the posters and interviews for understanding of John Tyndall's life and work.
3. Geography of Carlow 60 minutes Maps, Internet access Discuss the natural geography of Carlow, including its rivers, mountains and lakes. Activity 1: Identify these features on a map of Carlow. Activity 2: Create a diorama of Carlow's geography. Activity 3: Write a report on how these features affect life in Carlow. Review the geography of Carlow and discuss the children's findings. Assess the dioramas and reports for understanding of Carlow's geography.
4. Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Compasses, Rulers Introduce basic mapping skills and their importance. Activity 1: Identify key landmarks on a map of Carlow. Activity 2: Create their own map of Carlow. Activity 3: Use compass directions to navigate around their map. Discuss the importance of mapping skills and review the maps created by the children. Assess the maps and navigation skills for understanding of mapping.
5. Biodiversity of Carlow 60 minutes Internet access, Field guide to local plants and animals Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identify local plants and animals. Activity 2: Create a poster promoting biodiversity in Carlow. Activity 3: Discuss ideas for protecting local biodiversity. Review the concept of biodiversity and discuss the children's ideas for protecting it. Assess the posters and discussions for understanding of biodiversity.
6. Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Discuss how local areas can inspire art. Activity 1: Sketch a local landmark. Activity 2: Create a collage of local flora and fauna. Activity 3: Paint a landscape of Carlow. Discuss the artworks created by the children and how they were inspired by Carlow. Assess the artworks for creativity and understanding of the local area.