Welcome to Carlow

Carlow is a very special town in Ireland, with a long and exciting history! Did you know that people have been living in Carlow for over 5,000 years? Imagine that - your great-great-great-great-great (and lots more greats) grandparents could have lived there!

The most famous thing in Carlow is the big old castle. It was built over 800 years ago by a knight named William Marshal. He wanted to protect his land, and a castle was like his superhero shield. But today, only the castle's walls remain, like a skeleton of the past.

People also used to make sugar in Carlow. It was the only place in Ireland where sugar was produced. Could you imagine living in a town that made all the sugar for your sweets?

Carlow was also a very important place for making things out of iron, like tools and horseshoes. The ironworks was like a giant blacksmith's shop.

Today, Carlow is a lovely town, full of friendly people and beautiful nature. Next time you have a sugar sweet, remember the sweet town of Carlow where it could have been made!

  1. How long have people been living in Carlow?
  2. Who built the castle in Carlow and why?
  3. What was Carlow famous for producing?
  4. Why was Carlow an important place for making things out of iron?
  5. Think about a town or city you know well. What makes it special or unique, like Carlow's sugar or iron production?

All About Carlow

Carlow is a charming town located in the southeast part of Ireland. This lovely place is surrounded by beautiful nature and has many interesting things to see! One of the main streets in Carlow is Tullow Street, filled with colorful shops and yummy places to eat. Nearby, you can find Carlow Castle, an ancient castle that is over 800 years old! Just imagine, it was there even before your great-great-great-grandparents were born!

Carlow is also home to the Barrow River, the second longest river in Ireland. This river is great for boat trips and you might even spot some otters playing in the water. The town is surrounded by the Blackstairs Mountains, which are a wonderful place for a hike, especially in the summer.

While walking around, you'll notice the lovely greenery. There are many trees like oak and ash, and flowers like bluebells and wild roses. You might even see some foxes, badgers, and different kinds of birds!

In the town, you'll see street furniture like benches to sit on and lamps that light up the streets at night. It's these small details that make Carlow such a nice place to live or visit.

  1. Can you name the main street in Carlow and describe what you can find there?
  2. Describe Carlow Castle and its historical significance.
  3. What is the name of the river in Carlow and why is it important?
  4. Use a map to locate Carlow. What major cities or landmarks are nearby?
  5. Explore the area of Carlow yourself. What geographical features or landmarks can you find that were not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Carlow

Hi there! I'm Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Carlow. It's in Ireland. Do you know where that is? It's really green and pretty. I like it a lot.

Every day after school, I go to a big park named Oak Park. It's so fun! I like to look for squirrels and feed the ducks in the pond. Sometimes, we even have picnics there when the weather is nice.

On the weekends, my family and I often visit the Carlow County Museum. It's just a short walk from our house. There are lots of cool things to see there like old things from long time ago. It makes me feel like a detective when I look at them.

There's also a castle in Carlow, it's called Carlow Castle. It's really old and big. I like to pretend I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons. It's super fun.

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. I hope you liked it. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the park that I often visit?
  2. What are some of the things I do at Oak Park?
  3. Can you name a place in Carlow where you can see old things?
  4. What do I pretend to be when I visit Carlow Castle?
  5. Can you tell me something you know about Carlow now?

The Logainm of Carlow

Carlow is a beautiful town in Ireland. Its Irish name is Ceatharlach. This is a very interesting word! In English, it means 'Four Lakes'. But, don't scratch your head looking for these four lakes now, because sadly, they don't exist anymore.

In the old days, the area was known for its four lakes, but over time, they dried up. This name tells us a story about how the place used to be a long, long time ago.

There's a very famous story linked to Carlow. It's about a girl called Saint Brigid. She is said to have performed miracles and is one of Ireland's patron saints. One of her miracles was to turn bathwater into beer! Imagine that!

And guess what? Even today, Carlow is known for brewing beer. So, the story of Saint Brigid and the beer is still remembered.

  1. What is the English meaning of Ceatharlach?
  2. Why is Carlow called 'Four Lakes'?
  3. Who is Saint Brigid and what is her link to Carlow?
  4. What miracle did Saint Brigid perform that is linked to what Carlow is known for today?
  5. How does the name of Carlow tell us a story about its past?

Slideshow - Carlow
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Carlow