Welcome to Carlingford

Carlingford is a charming townland in County Louth, Ireland, full of history and adventure. Hundreds of years ago, during the Middle Ages, it was bustling with knights and kings! The town was named after King Carling, who was said to have built the first castle there.

One of the most exciting stories from Carlingford's past comes from the time of King John. Yes, the very King John who signed the Magna Carta in England! In 1210, he visited Carlingford and ordered a castle to be built for him. That's why one of the most famous spots in Carlingford today is King John's Castle! Imagine, a real king once walked the same streets you could visit!

Carlingford is also known for its oysters. People have been farming oysters in Carlingford Lough for over a thousand years. That's a lot of oysters!

Even though it's a small townland, Carlingford is full of big history. From medieval castles to oyster farms, there's always something interesting to learn about. So, next time you're in County Louth, make sure you visit and imagine what life was like hundreds of years ago!

  1. Who was the town of Carlingford named after?
  2. Which famous king visited Carlingford in 1210 and what did he order to be built?
  3. What has been farmed in Carlingford Lough for over a thousand years?
  4. Why do you think King John chose Carlingford as the location for his castle?
  5. If you could travel back in time to the Middle Ages in Carlingford, what are some things you might see or experience?

All About Carlingford

Carlingford is a magical town tucked away in the northeastern corner of County Louth, Ireland. It's surrounded by enchanting natural beauty; from the sparkling blue waters of Carlingford Lough to the towering Slieve Foye mountain. Strolling through Carlingford, you'll see narrow medieval streets like Tholsel Street, home to the famous King John's Castle. You might even spot the exciting Carlingford Adventure Centre where kids can have lots of fun!

This area is rich in plants and animals. In the lush green fields, you can find rabbits hopping around, while overhead, birds like robins and sparrows flit and chirp. You might even spot a red squirrel scurrying up a tree! Carlingford is also famous for its lovely oysters. These creatures aren't just delicious, they also help keep the water clean!

The Carlingford Greenway is a special path for walking and cycling. It's lined with handy benches to rest your legs and enjoy the view. The town is nestled between the mountain and the lough, creating a beautiful landscape. The mountain is dotted with mysterious caves and the lough is home to playful seals. Carlingford is a perfect mix of history, nature, and fun!.

  1. What are some of the characteristics of Carlingford's natural environment?
  2. Describe the Carlingford Greenway. What is its purpose?
  3. Using a map of Carlingford, can you identify and explain the geographical features like the lough and the mountain?
  4. What types of animals and plants can you find in Carlingford? How do they contribute to the town's ecosystem?
  5. Explore the area of Carlingford yourself. Can you find a geographical feature that has not been mentioned here? Describe it in detail.

My Family and Carlingford

Hi there! My name's Zane and I'm 8 years old. I live in a pretty cool place called Carlingford in Co. Louth. It's not a big city or anything, but there's still lots to do and see. Like, there's this really big mountain called Slieve Foye. It's super tall and sometimes I like to imagine it's a giant sleeping on his back.

There are also these cool, old buildings. One of them is called King John's Castle. It's really old, like more than 800 years old! Sometimes, I play knights and castles there with my friends. We have so much fun!

Oh, and there's the Carlingford Lough, too. It's a big body of water that shines under the sun. I love throwing stones in it and watching them skip and bounce. But what I love the most is the people here. Everyone's so friendly and nice. I think growing up in Carlingford is really fun!

  1. What is the name and age of the person writing the blog post?
  2. Where does Zane live?
  3. What is one thing Zane likes to imagine about Slieve Foye?
  4. What game does Zane like to play at King John's Castle?
  5. What does Zane enjoy doing at the Carlingford Lough?

The Logainm of Carlingford

Carlingford is a beautiful small town in County Louth, Ireland. The name 'Carlingford' is very special and it has been used for hundreds of years. It comes from the Old Norse language, spoken by Vikings a long, long time ago. 'Carlingford' roughly translates to 'Fjord of Carlinn' in English. A fjord is a long, narrow sea with high cliffs or slopes on either side, and Carlinn is believed to be a person's name. So, you can think of it as 'Carlinn's sea with high sides'.

The Vikings, who were great sailors and explorers from Scandinavia, possibly named it after sailing into the beautiful fjord. They might have named it 'Carlingford' to honour a person named Carlinn. Today, Carlingford is known for its stunning natural beauty and its rich history. The town is home to Carlingford Lough, a glacial fjord or sea inlet that matches the 'high sided sea' part of the town's name. So, the old Viking name has stuck around all these years and still describes Carlingford perfectly!

  1. What does the name 'Carlingford' mean in English?
  2. Who likely named the town of Carlingford?
  3. What language does the name 'Carlingford' come from?
  4. What is a fjord?
  5. What is the modern-day feature in Carlingford that matches with its name?

Slideshow - Carlingford
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Carlingford