Welcome to Caldraghmore

Caldraghmore is a lovely townland located in County Longford, Ireland. Even though it might seem like an ordinary place, it's filled with a rich history that dates back hundreds of years, just like an old, exciting storybook!

This area was once a part of the Kingdom of Breifne, a medieval territory that was home to brave warriors and wise kings. Imagine wearing a crown or wielding a sword, right here in Caldraghmore! The Kingdom of Breifne was ruled by different families, with the O'Reilly and O'Rourke clans being the most powerful.

The name 'Caldraghmore' itself is special, it's an old Irish name that means 'big burial ground'. Even though it might sound a little spooky, it's actually a hint about the people who lived here long ago. It tells us that our ancestors respected and remembered their loved ones.

While no major battles or events happened right in Caldraghmore, every stone, tree, and field here holds whispers of the past. Remember, history doesn't only mean big events; it's also about the everyday lives of people just like us. So, next time you walk around Caldraghmore, think about the stories the land could tell if it could speak!

  1. What does the name 'Caldraghmore' mean?
  2. Which families were the most powerful in the Kingdom of Breifne?
  3. What does history also include apart from major events?
  4. Why do you think the people of Caldraghmore named the town after a burial ground?
  5. Imagine you are a child living in the Kingdom of Breifne. Describe your everyday life.

All About Caldraghmore

Welcome to the magical land of Caldraghmore, in County Longford, kids! Tucked away in the heart of Ireland, this place is full of wonders waiting to be discovered.

Caldraghmore is not just buildings and roads. It's a lovely patchwork of fields, full of daisies and dandelions, and hedgerows bursting with blackberries in the autumn. The air is filled with the sweet songs of birds like robins and sparrows.

At the heart of Caldraghmore, you'll find Main Street, a friendly place where people gather. It's lined with lots of interesting things like old-fashioned lampposts and colourful benches where you can sit and enjoy an ice cream.

Nearby flows the gentle River Camlin, where ducks love to swim and play. It's perfect for a picnic on a sunny day. If you're really lucky, you might spot the flash of a kingfisher or the leap of a playful otter!

And right on the edge of town, you can see the majestic Slieve Bawn Mountain. This beautiful hill is a lovely shade of green, just like a giant emerald. It's a fun place for a family walk, with stunning views at the top.

So, who's ready for an adventure in Caldraghmore?

  1. What types of birds can you find in Caldraghmore?
  2. Describe the River Camlin and what types of animals it attracts.
  3. Can you draw a map of Caldraghmore including Main Street, River Camlin, and Slieve Bawn Mountain?
  4. What geographical feature would you most like to visit in Caldraghmore and why?
  5. Explore the area of Caldraghmore yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest that wasn't mentioned in the text? Write a short paragraph about it.

My Family and Caldraghmore

Hi! I'm Taylor, and I'm 8 years old. I live in a place called Caldraghmore, in Co. Longford. It's really cool! There's lots of fun stuff to do and see. My favourite place is the big old castle. It's been here longer than my grandad! It looks all broken down, but I think that makes it even more exciting. I pretend I'm a knight or a princess when I play there.

My house is near a big lake. Sometimes, me and my friends go swimming. It's chilly, but I love it. We have picnics by the lake too. Mum makes the best sandwiches. Oh, and there's a forest near the lake. It's a bit scary, but it's also full of adventures. I found a bunny there once. I named it Fluffy.

What I like the most about Caldraghmore is all the green fields around. It's fun to run around and play hide and seek. Plus, there are lots of cows and sheep. They're really fluffy and cute. I love living here. It's like being in a big playground. But now, I gotta go. It's time for homework. Bye!

  1. What is Taylor's favourite place and why?
  2. Describe the lake near Taylor's house.
  3. What kind of adventures does Taylor have in the forest?
  4. Why does Taylor like the fields around Caldraghmore?
  5. What animals does Taylor mention seeing in Caldraghmore?

The Logainm of Caldraghmore

Caldraghmore is a place in County Longford, Ireland. Its name comes from two Irish words: 'Caldragh,' which means 'a burial ground,' and 'more,' which means 'big.' So, Caldraghmore means 'big burial ground' in English. Long ago, people in Ireland used to bury their loved ones in places like Caldraghmore. These places were often filled with ancient stone crosses and grave markers.

Even though it sounds a bit scary, Caldraghmore is a special place where people can learn a lot about Ireland's history. Today, people visit Caldraghmore to see these old stones and imagine what life was like in Ireland hundreds of years ago. So, the next time you hear the name Caldraghmore, remember: it's not just a name, but a window into Ireland's history!

  1. What does 'Caldragh' mean in English?
  2. What does 'more' mean in English?
  3. What does the full name 'Caldraghmore' mean?
  4. Why is Caldraghmore considered a special place?
  5. What can people learn from visiting places like Caldraghmore?

Slideshow - Caldraghmore
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Caldraghmore