Lesson Plan 1: History of Burgagery-Lands West Clonmel Co. Tipperary E91 X768 ```
Time allocation60 minutes
Resources neededBooks, Internet access, Projector
IntroductionDiscussion on what students already know about the history of their local area. Introduction to the term 'logainm'.
Development Activity 1: Research on the history and meaning of the logainm of Burgagery-Lands West Clonmel Co. Tipperary. Activity 2: Group discussion on the findings. Activity 3: Create a timeline of significant historical events in the area.
ConclusionRecap of the history and the meaning behind the logainm of the area.
AssessmentQuiz on the history of the area and meaning of the logainm.
``` Lesson Plan 2: Notable Person ```
Time allocation60 minutes
Resources neededBooks, Internet access, Projector
IntroductionDiscussion on what students already know about notable people from their local area. Introduction to the chosen person.
Development Activity 1: Research on the life and achievements of the chosen person. Activity 2: Role play of a day in the life of the chosen person. Activity 3: Create a biography of the chosen person.
ConclusionRecap of the life and achievements of the chosen person.
AssessmentQuiz on the life and achievements of the chosen person.
``` Lesson Plan 3: Natural Geography ```
Time allocation60 minutes
Resources neededMaps, Internet access, Projector
IntroductionDiscussion on what students already know about the natural geography of their local area.
Development Activity 1: Research on the natural geography of the area. Activity 2: Create a map showing the natural geography of the area. Activity 3: Discussion on the importance of the natural geography to the local community.
ConclusionRecap of the natural geography of the area.
AssessmentQuiz on the natural geography of the area.
``` Lesson Plan 4: Mapping Skills ```
Time allocation60 minutes
Resources neededBlank maps, Pencils, Rulers
IntroductionDiscussion on what students already know about maps and mapping.
Development Activity 1: Exploring different maps of the local area. Activity 2: Drawing their own map of the local area. Activity 3: Using their maps to navigate around the school.
ConclusionRecap of the importance of maps and mapping skills.
AssessmentEvaluation of their maps and their understanding of maps.
``` Lesson Plan 5: Biodiversity ```
Time allocation60 minutes
Resources neededNotebooks, Pencils, Internet access
IntroductionDiscussion on what students already know about biodiversity and its importance.
Development Activity 1: Research on the local flora and fauna. Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of protecting biodiversity. Activity 3: Brainstorming ideas to protect local biodiversity.
ConclusionRecap of the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it.
AssessmentQuiz on biodiversity and its importance.
``` Lesson Plan 6: Visual Arts ```
Time allocation60 minutes
Resources neededArt supplies
IntroductionDiscussion on what students already know about art and its importance.
Development Activity 1: Exploring the local area for inspiration. Activity 2: Creating their own piece of art based on their observations. Activity 3: Displaying their art and explaining their inspiration.
ConclusionRecap of the importance of art and how it can be inspired by their surroundings.
AssessmentEvaluation of their art and their understanding of the inspiration behind it.