Welcome to Burgagery-Lands West

Burgagery-Lands West is a small but lovely part of County Tipperary in Ireland. This area, called a 'townland', is like a teeny tiny town. It's a very special place with a long history, just like a storybook.

Long, long ago, even before your great-great-grandparents were born, people lived on this land. They farmed the soil, raised animals, and built homes. Though we don't have specific stories like a battle or a big event that happened here, we do know that generations of families have grown up in Burgagery-Lands West, each leaving their mark on the land.

If you stroll around, you'll see old homes and walls, maybe even some tools used by people centuries ago. These are all treasures that tell us about the people who lived here before us.

So, even though Burgagery-Lands West might seem like a simple townland, it holds a rich tapestry of ordinary lives and histories. It's a reminder of how every place, no matter how small, has its own story to tell. So next time you visit, try to imagine the stories this land could tell you.

  1. What is a 'townland'?
  2. What activities did the people long ago do in Burgagery-Lands West?
  3. What might you see if you stroll around Burgagery-Lands West?
  4. Why is Burgagery-Lands West considered a special place despite being a simple townland?
  5. If you were able to time travel and go back to the time when your great-great-grandparents might have lived, what changes do you think you would see in Burgagery-Lands West?

All About Burgagery-Lands West

Burgagery-Lands West is a charming area in County Tipperary, Ireland. It is surrounded by beautiful green fields where sheep and cows love to graze. The area does not have many notable streets, as it is mostly farmland, but you can find pretty country lanes winding through the landscape.

One thing you must know about Burgagery-Lands West is its lovely natural features. There are no huge mountains, but the land gently rolls up and down, creating a calming scenery. There is also a small river flowing through, where you can spot ducks paddling and frogs hopping on the riverbanks.

The area is teeming with different types of plants. You can see beautiful hedges of hawthorn, and in spring, these are full of delicate white flowers. There are also plenty of ash and oak trees, which are home to various birds like robins and finches.

Street furniture? Well, you might see wooden benches and rustic fences along the lanes, but remember, it's mostly farmland here!

Burgagery-Lands West is a delightful place to explore, full of natural beauty and charm. It's like stepping into a peaceful, green painting!

  1. What type of animals can you find in Burgagery-Lands West?
  2. Describe the natural features of Burgagery-Lands West.
  3. What types of plants and trees can you find in this area?
  4. Using a map, can you identify the small river flowing through Burgagery-Lands West?
  5. Plan a field trip to Burgagery-Lands West. What geographical features would you like to explore?

My Family and Burgagery-Lands West

Hi, my name is Pat and I'm 8 years old. I live in this super cool place called Burgagery-Lands West in Co. Tipperary. It's a pretty neat place to grow up in because there's loads of cool stuff to see and do!

One of my favourite places is the Rock of Cashel. It's this giant old castle that's been around for like, forever! There's loads of old walls and towers to explore and sometimes I pretend I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons. It's really fun!

Another cool place is the Glen of Aherlow. It's this beautiful valley with loads of trees and mountains. Sometimes, my family and I go for walks there and we have picnics. I love it cause I get to run around and play hide and seek with my friends. Plus, there's loads of cool animals to see like rabbits and deer!

So yeah, that's a bit about me and where I live. I'm really lucky to have so many fun places to play and explore. I can't wait to see what other adventures I'll have as I grow up here in Burgagery-Lands West!

  1. What's Pat's favourite place in Burgagery-Lands West?
  2. How does Pat feel when exploring the Rock of Cashel?
  3. What activities does Pat enjoy doing at the Glen of Aherlow?
  4. What animals has Pat seen at the Glen of Aherlow?
  5. How does Pat feel about growing up in Burgagery-Lands West?

The Logainm of Burgagery-Lands West

Burgagery-Lands West is a place in County Tipperary, Ireland. Its name, when translated to English, means 'The Land of the Burgess'. A Burgess was a person in olden times who had special rights in a town. They were often traders or business owners and were very important people.

Long ago, there were many Burgesses living in this area, hence, the name 'Burgagery-Lands West' was given. It's like a memory of those old times when Burgesses were very important. Today, although we don't have Burgesses, we still remember them through the name of this place.

The name 'Burgagery-Lands West' is a reminder of how names can tell us about history. It's like a storybook, but instead of reading the story, we are living in it! So, whenever you hear the name 'Burgagery-Lands West', remember the Burgesses and their special role in the history of this place.

  1. What does 'Burgagery-Lands West' mean in English?
  2. Who was a Burgess in olden times?
  3. Why do you think the place was named 'Burgagery-Lands West'?
  4. How does the name 'Burgagery-Lands West' remind us about history?
  5. Can you think of any other places that might have been named after what people did there in the past?

Slideshow - Burgagery-Lands West
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Burgagery-Lands West