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Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Brigown Mitchelstown 60 minutes History books, maps, projector Introduce the history of the area and its placename. Activity 1: Research on the history of the placename. Activity 2: Discussion on the historical significance of the area. Activity 3: PowerPoint presentation about the area. Recap the history learned and discuss why it's important. Quiz on the history of the area.
2: Notable Person from Area 60 minutes Biographies, internet access Introduce the notable person and their significance. Activity 1: Research on the notable person's life. Activity 2: Role-play of the person's life events. Activity 3: Presentation about the person's achievements. Discuss the impact of the person on the area. Essay on the notable person.
3: Natural Geography of Area 60 minutes Maps, atlases, internet access Discuss the geographical features of the area. Activity 1: Identify geographical features on the map. Activity 2: Discuss how these features affect life in the area. Activity 3: Create a model of the geographical features. Discuss the importance of these geographical features. Test on identification of geographical features.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, rulers, pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Activity 1: Practice reading a map. Activity 2: Draw a map of the area. Activity 3: Navigate using a map. Discuss the importance of mapping skills. Test on reading and drawing maps.
5: Biodiversity and Protection 60 minutes Books, internet access, local flora and fauna guides Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identify local flora and fauna. Activity 2: Discuss threats to local biodiversity. Activity 3: Propose ways to protect local biodiversity. Discuss the importance of protecting biodiversity. Test on identifying local flora and fauna and ways to protect them.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Discuss how the local area can be a source of inspiration. Activity 1: Sketch a local landmark. Activity 2: Paint a local natural feature. Activity 3: Create a collage of the local area. Discuss how art can capture the essence of a place. Assessment of the created artwork.
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