Welcome to Brigown

Brigown is a special place in County Cork, Ireland, with a very interesting history! A long, long time ago, it was part of a larger area called the Barony of Condons and Clangibbon. This might sound like a funny name, but a 'Barony' was a way to divide up the land so people knew who it belonged to.

Now, you might be thinking, "What's so special about Brigown?" Well, this townland is famous for something very exciting - a battle! In 1691, during a time called the Williamite War, there was a big fight known as the Battle of Manning Water. Imagine lots of soldiers, horses, and loud noises! It was a scary time, but today, it's peaceful and quiet.

Even though Brigown is small, it's rich with stories from the past. The people who live here today enjoy a peaceful life and remember the history that shaped their townland. So, if you ever visit Brigown, remember you're walking on land filled with centuries of stories. Isn't that amazing?

  1. What was the larger area that Brigown was a part of a long time ago?
  2. What is Brigown famous for?
  3. What happened in 1691 during the Williamite War in Brigown?
  4. Why do you think it's important for the people of Brigown to remember their history?
  5. If you were to visit Brigown, how would knowing its history make your experience different?

All About Brigown

Brigown, Co. Cork is a fascinating place tucked away in Ireland. It's known for its green rolling hills and cool, fresh air. One of the most fun things about Brigown is the River Blackwater, a long, winding river where you might see ducks bobbing on the water.

Brigown is also home to many different types of plants and animals. You can find beautiful wildflowers like Bluebells and Buttercups, and mighty trees like the Sessile Oak. If you're lucky, you might spot a Red Fox or a badger.

The streets of Brigown have some cool things to see too. There's a very special post box on the Main Street, painted bright red, just waiting for you to send a letter. There's also a beautiful stone bridge crossing the Blackwater River.

In the distance, you can see the Knockmealdown Mountains. Their highest peak reaches up into the sky, sometimes disappearing into the clouds!

Whether you're exploring the streets, watching animals, or just enjoying the view of the river and mountains, Brigown Co. Cork is a magical place full of adventure for every curious kid.

  1. What type of wildflowers can you find in Brigown, Co. Cork?
  2. Describe the location and appearance of the special post box on Main Street.
  3. What is the name of the river that runs through Brigown, and what wildlife might you see there?
  4. Can you use a map to find the Knockmealdown Mountains and tell how high their peak is?
  5. Explore the area around Brigown yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest not mentioned in the text? Describe what you found and why it's interesting.

My Family and Brigown

Hi, I'm Riley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Brigown in Co. Cork. It's really pretty here and I love growing up in it. I have lots of friends and we love exploring around.

There's a big, old castle called Barryscourt castle near my house. It's super old, like hundreds of years! Sometimes, I pretend I'm a brave knight protecting the castle. We have picnics there and it's lots of fun.

We also have this place called Fota Wildlife Park. It's amazing! I've seen lions, monkeys, and even kangaroos. My favourite are the penguins, they're really funny to watch.

I often go to the beach too. It's called Youghal Beach and it's the best place to make sandcastles and find seashells. I've a big collection of shells at home.

Everyday is an adventure in Brigown and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I can't wait to get older and explore even more!

  1. Can you describe what Barryscourt castle looks like?
  2. How would you feel if you were a knight protecting a castle?
  3. What animals have you seen at Fota Wildlife Park and which is your favourite?
  4. Why do you like collecting seashells at Youghal Beach?
  5. What other adventures would you like to have in Brigown as you grow older?

The Logainm of Brigown

Brigown is a special place in County Cork, Ireland. The name Brigown comes from the Irish language. In Irish, Brigown is called "Brígh Gobhann" which means "The Hill of the Smith". Isn't it fun to imagine a hill where a smith, who is a person that shapes metal, used to work?

Long, long ago, it is said that a famous smith named Goibniu lived here. Goibniu wasn't just any smith, he was a magical smith from Irish legends who could make unbeatable weapons. People believe that Brigown is named after him and his magical workshop on the hill.

Today, Brigown is still a beautiful hill in County Cork. People live there, kids go to school there, and everyone remembers the magical legend of Goibniu. So, if you ever visit Brigown, remember you're walking on a hill that might have once been a magical workshop!

  1. What does "Brígh Gobhann" mean in English?
  2. Who was Goibniu and why was he special?
  3. How is the name Brigown linked to the legend of Goibniu?
  4. What is a smith and what do they do?
  5. If you visited Brigown today, what might you see and do?

Slideshow - Brigown
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Brigown