Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Objective 1: Explore themes of Wonderstruck 60 minutes Copy of Wonderstruck, sticky notes, markers Start by asking students if they have read or heard of Wonderstruck. Discuss the concept of themes in a book. Read a chapter from Wonderstruck together as a class. Ask students to write down any themes they notice on sticky notes as they read. Discuss and compile a list of themes as a class. Review the themes discussed and encourage students to share their thoughts and feelings about the book. Discuss how the themes relate to their own lives. Assess students' understanding by having them share their sticky notes with the class and participate in the discussion.
Objective 2: Write a summary of Wonderstruck 60 minutes Copy of Wonderstruck, paper, pencils Remind students of the book Wonderstruck and briefly summarize the main plot. Read a chapter together and discuss the key events. Model how to write a summary by highlighting the main points and organizing them into a coherent paragraph. Provide students with a chapter to read individually. Instruct them to write a summary of the chapter using the model provided. Assess students' summaries for accuracy, coherence, and understanding of the main events in the chapter.
Objective 3: Write a review of Wonderstruck 60 minutes Copy of Wonderstruck, paper, pencils, art supplies Show students examples of book reviews and discuss their purpose and components. Read a chapter together and highlight interesting aspects or favorite parts. Discuss how these elements could be included in a book review. Provide students with time to read and reflect on Wonderstruck independently. Instruct them to write a book review, sharing their thoughts, opinions, and recommendations. Assess students' book reviews based on their ability to express their opinions, provide evidence from the book, and use appropriate language.
Objective 4: Create and present a story based on Wonderstruck 120 minutes (divided into multiple sessions) Copy of Wonderstruck, paper, pencils, art supplies, presentation materials (e.g., PowerPoint) Review the main themes and plot of Wonderstruck. Discuss the elements of a story, including characters, setting, and plot. Brainstorm story ideas as a class, encouraging students to incorporate the themes of Wonderstruck. Guide them in creating a plan for their own story. Provide students with time to write and edit their stories. Support them in incorporating descriptive language and engaging plot elements. Assess students' stories based on their creativity, use of story elements, and overall presentation. Students can present their stories to the class or create a visual representation of their story.