Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 60 minutes The Invention of Hugo Cabret book, projector or large printed images of Brian Selznick's artwork, paper, pencils, markers Introduce Brian Selznick and The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Show examples of Selznick's artwork and discuss his unique style. Read a chapter from The Invention of Hugo Cabret and ask students to analyze the illustrations. Discuss how the art enhances the story. Ask students to create a character drawing inspired by the book. Encourage them to use Selznick's style as inspiration. Assess students' understanding of Selznick's style and their ability to incorporate it into their own artwork.
Lesson 2 60 minutes The Invention of Hugo Cabret book, paper, pencils, markers, watercolor paints, brushes Review Brian Selznick's primary art medium, which is pencil drawings. Discuss the importance of shading and texture in pencil drawings. Show examples from The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Guide students in creating their own pencil drawings inspired by the book. Encourage them to focus on shading and texture. Assess students' ability to create pencil drawings with appropriate shading and texture.
Lesson 3 60 minutes The Invention of Hugo Cabret book, projector or large printed images of Brian Selznick's artwork, paper, pencils, markers Show students an original image inspired by The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Discuss what elements make it inspired by the book. Explain the concept of symbolism in art. Discuss how symbols can be used to represent themes or ideas in a visual way. Ask students to create their own original image inspired by The Invention of Hugo Cabret. They should incorporate symbols related to the story. Assess students' ability to identify and incorporate symbols in their original artwork.
Lesson 4 60 minutes The Invention of Hugo Cabret book, paper, watercolor paints, brushes Review the story and artwork from The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Discuss the use of color in art and how it can evoke emotions or set a mood. Guide students in creating their own watercolor paintings inspired by The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Encourage them to use color to enhance the mood of their artwork. Assess students' ability to create watercolor paintings with appropriate use of color to convey a mood.
Lesson 5 60 minutes The Invention of Hugo Cabret book, paper, markers, craft materials (e.g., cardboard, scissors, glue) Remind students of the various art forms used in The Invention of Hugo Cabret, including drawings, paintings, and sculptures. Discuss the concept of mixed media art and how it combines different materials and techniques. Ask students to create a mixed media artwork inspired by The Invention of Hugo Cabret. They can use a combination of drawings, paintings, and sculptures. Assess students' ability to create a cohesive mixed media artwork inspired by the book.
Lesson 6 60 minutes The Invention of Hugo Cabret book, paper, markers, scissors, glue Review the artwork created by students in the previous lessons. Discuss the importance of presenting and sharing artwork in an interesting way. Guide students in creating a mini exhibition of their artwork inspired by The Invention of Hugo Cabret. They should design and make their own display boards or stands to showcase their work. Assess students' ability to present and share their artwork in an interesting and visually appealing way.