Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of Brazil

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: World map, pictures of Brazil's natural features

Introduction: Show a world map and point out Brazil. Discuss its location, size, and neighboring countries.

Development: Explain the Amazon Rainforest, the Amazon River, the Andes Mountains, and the coastal areas of Brazil. Show pictures to enhance understanding.

Conclusion: Review key points about Brazil's geography and its significance.

Assessment: Ask students to draw and label a map of Brazil's major geographic features.

Lesson 2: Facts about Brasília

Time Allocation: 30 minutes

Resources Needed: Pictures of Brasília, factsheets about Brasília

Introduction: Introduce Brasília as the capital city of Brazil and its significance.

Development: Present three interesting facts about Brasília such as its modernist architecture, being a planned city, and its UNESCO World Heritage status.

Conclusion: Encourage students to share their thoughts and reflections on Brasília.

Assessment: Have students write down the three facts they learned about Brasília.

Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Brazil

Time Allocation: 40 minutes

Resources Needed: Pictures of the Christ the Redeemer statue

Introduction: Show a picture of the Christ the Redeemer statue and ask students if they know where it is located.

Development: Discuss the history and significance of the Christ the Redeemer statue as a famous landmark in Brazil.

Conclusion: Have students create a mini poster showcasing the Christ the Redeemer statue.

Assessment: Evaluate students' posters for accuracy and creativity.

Lesson 4: Producing a Tour Guide for Brazil

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Brochures, maps, internet access

Introduction: Explain the concept of a tour guide and its importance in helping tourists navigate Brazil.

Development: Divide students into groups and assign each group a different region of Brazil to research and create a tour guide for. They should include key attractions, activities, and cultural information.

Conclusion: Each group presents their tour guide to the class, highlighting the unique features of their assigned region.

Assessment: Evaluate the tour guides based on accuracy, creativity, and presentation skills.