Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Objective 1 45 minutes World map, Botswana map, pictures of Botswana - Show the world map and locate Botswana
- Introduce basic facts about Botswana (location, neighboring countries, etc.)
- Show pictures of Botswana's landscape and wildlife
- Discuss the geography of Botswana (landforms, rivers, climate)
- Use the Botswana map to locate major cities and landmarks
- Recap the main points about Botswana's geography
- Ask students to share their favorite aspect of Botswana's geography
- Ask students to draw and label a simple map of Botswana, highlighting key features
Lesson 2 Objective 2 45 minutes Pictures of Gaborone, facts about Gaborone - Show pictures of Gaborone and ask students if they recognize any landmarks
- Introduce Gaborone as the capital city of Botswana
- Provide interesting facts about Gaborone (population, history, attractions)
- Engage students in a discussion about what they find fascinating about the city
- Recap the main facts about Gaborone
- Ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about the city
- Ask students to create a mini poster about Gaborone, including at least 3 facts
Lesson 3 Objective 3 45 minutes Pictures of famous landmarks in Botswana (e.g., Okavango Delta, Tsodilo Hills, Makgadikgadi Pans) - Show pictures of famous landmarks in Botswana, excluding Gaborone
- Discuss the concept of landmarks and their significance
- Present each landmark with interesting facts and stories
- Engage students in a discussion about why these landmarks are important to Botswana
- Recap the main landmarks discussed
- Ask students to vote for their favorite landmark and explain why
- Ask students to create a postcard featuring one of the famous landmarks outside of Gaborone
Lesson 4 Objective 4 60 minutes Pens, papers, travel brochures from other countries - Discuss the purpose and content of a tour guide
- Show examples of travel brochures from other countries
- Brainstorm important information and attractions to include in a tour guide for Botswana
- Guide students in organizing the information into sections
- Ask students to create their own tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Botswana
- Encourage creativity and use of visuals
- Assess the completeness and organization of the tour guides
- Assess the creativity and attractiveness of the final product