Welcome to Borris Little

Borris Little is a small, friendly townland in County Laois, Ireland. It may seem quiet now, but it has a rich history. Long, long ago, even before your great-great-great-grandparents were born, people lived in Borris Little!

Our story takes us back to ancient times. Imagine a time when there were no cars or electricity. People lived in small communities and worked on the land. They didn't have big machines to help them, so it was tough work.

The most exciting thing we know about Borris Little's history is that it was home to an old castle! The castle belonged to the Fitzpatrick family, a powerful family in the area. Though the castle is now in ruins, it is still a big part of Borris Little's story.

Even though no kings or queens live in the castle now, and the land is mostly used for farming, Borris Little still holds the memories of its past. This tiny townland is a living, breathing piece of history. So, the next time you think something is too small to be important, think of the mighty history of Borris Little!

  1. What is the name of the family that owned the castle in Borris Little?
  2. What is the main use of the land in Borris Little today?
  3. What was life like in ancient times in Borris Little?
  4. Why do you think the castle in Borris Little is still an important part of its story even though it is in ruins?
  5. What does the author mean when he says that Borris Little is a "living, breathing piece of history"?

All About Borris Little

Borris-in-Ossory is a small, friendly village in County Laois, Ireland. It's like a little treasure box of geography waiting to be discovered! Main Street is the heart of the village. It's lined with cute shops, homes, and the St. Canice's Church, a beautiful old building that looks like a castle! But it's not just buildings here. Borris is surrounded by lush, green fields where you might see cows and sheep grazing.

One of the coolest things about Borris is that it's nestled at the base of the Slieve Bloom Mountains. These mountains are really old and have lots of trees, plants, and animals. If you're lucky, you might spot a red deer, Irish hare or a peregrine falcon!

Also, the River Nore runs right by Borris. It's a long, winding river full of fish like trout and salmon. If you take a walk along the river, you might even see a kingfisher bird diving for its dinner!

Borris is also home to pretty wildflowers like the bluebell and primrose. So, whether you're in the village or exploring the mountains and river, there's always something exciting to see in Borris-in-Ossory!.

  1. What kind of wildlife might you see in the Slieve Bloom Mountains?
  2. What kind of fish might you find in the River Nore?
  3. Can you identify three landmarks or points of interest in Borris-in-Ossory on a map?
  4. What types of wildflowers might you see in and around Borris?
  5. Take a virtual or physical tour around Borris-in-Ossory. Can you find a geographical feature or point of interest not mentioned in the text? What is it and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Borris Little

Hi, I'm Ollie, and I'm 8 years old! I live in a small place called Borris-in-Ossory in County Laois. Even though it's little, it's got lots of cool stuff!

One of my favourite places to go is the playground. It's got a super big slide and lots of swings. I love going there with my friends after school. We play tag and make up our own games. We always have a lot of fun!

Another place I like is the big church in the middle of Borris. It's really old and has a tall tower. Sometimes, I go there with my grandad. He tells me stories about when he was a boy and how the church hasn't changed much.

I also love the forest nearby. It's full of trees and sometimes, we see animals like squirrels and birds. Once, we even saw a fox! But don't worry, it was more scared of us than we were of it.

So that's a little about me and where I live. I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures in Borris. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the person writing the post and how old are they?
  2. What are some of the things Ollie likes to do at the playground?
  3. Who does Ollie visit the church with and what do they do there?
  4. What kind of animals has Ollie seen in the forest?
  5. Can you remember and describe one of the places Ollie mentioned in their post?

The Logainm of Borris Little

Borris Little is a special place in County Laois, Ireland. Its name in Irish is 'An Buiríos Bheag', which means 'the little fortified place'. The word 'Buiríos' comes from the old Irish word 'burr', meaning a castle or fortified place. In the old days, people built these fortified places to keep safe from enemies. 'Bheag' means little in Irish, so the whole name means a little safe place or a little castle.

There's a fun story about how Borris Little got its name. Long, long ago, there were two brothers who were princes. They each built their own castle. One was bigger, and the other was smaller. The prince with the smaller castle called his place 'Borris Little' to show it was the little brother of the bigger castle.

Today, Borris Little is still a small, safe place. It's filled with friendly people and beautiful green fields. Even though we no longer need castles to stay safe, the name reminds us of the history and stories from long ago.

  1. What does 'An Buiríos Bheag' mean in English?
  2. Where does the name 'Buiríos' come from?
  3. What is the story behind the name 'Borris Little'?
  4. What does 'Bheag' mean in Irish?
  5. How does the name 'Borris Little' connect the past and the present?

Slideshow - Borris Little
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Borris Little