Lesson 1: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 hour Books, Internet Access Introduce the area of Borris and its history.
  1. Discussion about the history of Borris and its placename
  2. Research about the origin of the placename
  3. Creating a timeline of historical events in Borris
Summarize the history of Borris and the origin of its placename. Check the timelines and assess their understanding through questions.
``` Lesson 2: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 hour Books, Internet Access Introduction to a notable person from the area.
  1. Discussion about the life of the notable person
  2. Research about their contributions to the area
  3. Creating a biography of the notable person
Summarize the life and contributions of the notable person. Check the biographies and assess their understanding through questions.
``` Lesson 3: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 hour Maps, Internet Access Introduction to the geography of Borris.
  1. Discussion about the physical features of Borris
  2. Research about the rivers, mountains, and other features
  3. Drawing the features on a map
Summarize the geography of Borris. Check the maps and assess their understanding through questions.
``` Lesson 4: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 hour Maps, Pencils, Rulers Introduction to mapping skills.
  1. Discussion about the importance of maps
  2. Practice reading a map
  3. Creating their own map of Borris
Summarize the importance of maps and mapping skills. Check the maps and assess their understanding through questions.
``` Lesson 5: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 hour Internet Access, Books Introduction to biodiversity.
  1. Discussion about the biodiversity in Borris
  2. Research about the local flora and fauna
  3. Developing ideas for protecting the biodiversity
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it. Check their ideas and assess their understanding through questions.
``` Lesson 6: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 hour Art Supplies Introduction to using the local area as an art stimulus.
  1. Discussion about the landscapes in Borris
  2. Sketching the landscapes
  3. Creating a final art piece based on their sketches
Discuss the different art pieces and what they represent about Borris. Assess the art pieces and their understanding of the local area.