Welcome to Borris

Borris is a charming little townland nestled in the heart of County Tipperary, Ireland. Now, you might think, "What's so special about this place?" Well, let me tell you a bit about its history.

Long, long ago, Borris was a bustling hub of farming. The people grew lots of crops and raised many animals. They worked hard, but they also knew how to have fun. They would often gather for festivals and fairs, where they would sing, dance, and share stories. Can you imagine how much fun that would be?

One important event in Borris' history is the arrival of the railway in the 19th century. This was a big deal because it connected Borris to other places and brought in new people, ideas, and goods. Imagine a train chugging along, puffing clouds of smoke and carrying all sorts of interesting things!

While Borris may not be famous for big battles or discoveries, its history is filled with the simple and important lives of its people - farmers, traders, storytellers, and more. Just like each one of you, every person in Borris has a unique story that adds a piece to the big puzzle of Borris' history.

  1. What was Borris a hub of long, long ago?
  2. What is one important event in Borris' history?
  3. What did the arrival of the railway bring to Borris?
  4. Why do you think the arrival of the railway was an important event for Borris?
  5. In your own words, describe what makes Borris special according to the text.

All About Borris

Borris, in County Tipperary, is a fun and exciting place filled with many cool things to explore! It's found right in the heart of Ireland, tucked between lovely green hills and sparkling rivers.

In Borris, you'll find lots of interesting streets. One of them is Main Street, where you can see many colorful houses and local shops. There's even a playground there, where you can have a swing or slide down a fun slide.

Nature is everywhere in Borris! It's home to many animals and plants. You might see fluffy sheep grazing in the fields, or spot a red fox sneaking through the undergrowth. The area is full of beautiful trees like oaks and ash, and in the spring, you can find wildflowers like bluebells and buttercups blooming.

The River Barrow flows near Borris, providing a home for ducks and fish. You might even spot a heron standing still as a statue, waiting to catch its dinner! Near Borris, you'll also find Mount Leinster, where you can have a great adventure climbing up the hill and looking out over the stunning view.

So, Borris is a place full of wonders for you to discover. Have fun exploring!.

  1. What are some of the animals and plants you might find in Borris?
  2. Describe the geographical features you can find in Borris. Include both the natural and man-made features.
  3. Using a map of Ireland, locate Borris in County Tipperary. What are some of the main roads leading into Borris?
  4. Name a river that flows near Borris. What kind of animals can you find in or near this river?
  5. Plan a visit to Borris and explore the area. What geographical feature or landmark did you find most interesting?

My Family and Borris

Hi, I'm Hayden and I just turned 8! I live in a cool place called Borris, in Co. Tipperary. It's a really fun place to grow up, there's always something to do. One of my favourite places is the Borris Viaduct. It's this HUGE old railway bridge. My friends and I pretend it's a castle, and play knights and dragons there!

Another place I love going to is the Slieve Bloom Mountains. They're so tall, I feel like I could touch the sky when I'm at the top! My family and I often have picnics there, and I like to look for different kinds of birds. I saw a peregrine falcon once, it was really exciting!

In our town, we also have a very old church, called the Sacred Heart Church. My grandma says it's been there for more than a hundred years! I think the stained glass windows are really beautiful. Sometimes, I sketch them in my drawing book.

I love living in Borris and I can't wait to explore more of it as I grow up!

  1. Can you tell me about a time when you played at the Borris Viaduct?
  2. What do you think it would feel like to touch the sky at the top of the Slieve Bloom Mountains?
  3. Have you ever seen a bird in the Slieve Bloom Mountains that you didn't know? How did you feel?
  4. What is your favourite part about the Sacred Heart Church and why?
  5. If you could change something about Borris, what would it be and how would you change it?

The Logainm of Borris

Borris is a small town in County Tipperary, a place in Ireland. The name Borris comes from the Irish word 'BuirĂ­os', which means 'Burgage'. In olden days, a burgage was a town-house and the land around it. It was owned by a burgess, a person who had special rights and duties in the town.

The burgage was a piece of land in the town that was rented out. The people who lived there would pay the landlord with money, goods, or services. The burgess would also help to make important decisions for the town.

Today, Borris is a lovely little town with homes, shops, and schools. It has a rich history connected to its name. When you think about Borris, remember that it was once a place where burgesses lived and helped to shape the town. Now, it's a place where people live, learn, and play!

  1. What does the name 'Borris' mean in English?
  2. What is a burgage?
  3. What was the role of a burgess in the town?
  4. How did the people who lived in the burgage pay the landlord?
  5. How is the history of Borris connected to its name?

Slideshow - Borris
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Borris