Welcome to Bohercrow

Bohercrow is a charming little townland with a rich history. Its name comes from the Irish language, meaning "road of the crows". Isn't that fun to imagine - crows marching down the road like a tiny feathered army?

Long, long ago, before your great-great-grandparents were born, people settled here and made it their home. Although we don't know their names, we can still see their hard work in the stone walls and old buildings. They lived, laughed, and played just like we do today.

One of the most interesting things about Bohercrow is that it's not known for any big battles or famous people. Instead, it's special because of its everyday history. The people of Bohercrow spent their days farming the land, taking care of animals, and making beautiful crafts. Sounds peaceful, doesn't it?

Even though it might seem like nothing much happened in Bohercrow, remember that everyday life is also a part of history. The simple routines and traditions of the people who lived here have shaped the townland into what it is today. So, next time you think about Bohercrow, remember the story of its ordinary yet extraordinary past.

  1. What does the name Bohercrow mean in Irish?
  2. What can we still see today that shows where the early settlers of Bohercrow lived and worked?
  3. What did the people of Bohercrow spend their days doing?
  4. Why is the history of Bohercrow considered special even though it is not known for any big battles or famous people?
  5. How have the routines and traditions of the people in Bohercrow shaped the townland?

All About Bohercrow

Bohercrow is a lovely place to explore! It's like a big outdoor classroom full of interesting things. Bohercrow is surrounded by tall, beautiful mountains that look like giant ice-cream scoops covered with green, mint chocolate chip ice cream. These mountains have lots of cool animals like rabbits, deer and colourful chirping birds.

The main street, Sunshine Boulevard, is lined with tall, leafy trees that give gentle shade on sunny days. In the heart of Bohercrow, there's a beautiful park with a playground that has a big, red slide and fun swings.

Nearby, flows the gentle Sparkle River. It has clear, blue water where you can see playful fishes swimming. If you're lucky, you might even spot a cute beaver or a graceful swan!

Bohercrow is also home to many pretty flowers. Daisies, roses, and tulips bloom brightly, making the town look like a rainbow garden. So, if you ever get the chance to visit, don't forget to take your adventure spirit with you!.

  1. What types of animals might you find in the mountains of Bohercrow?
  2. Describe the features of the main street, Sunshine Boulevard.
  3. What can you find in the park at the heart of Bohercrow?
  4. What types of wildlife might you find in the Sparkle River?
  5. Imagine you are a cartographer. Draw a map of Bohercrow, marking the mountains, Sunshine Boulevard, the park, and the Sparkle River.
  6. Explore your local area. What geographical features can you find that are similar to those in Bohercrow? Write a short description.

My Family and Bohercrow

Hi there! I'm Taylor, and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Bohercrow. It's really fun here. We have a big red barn at the end of our street where Mr. O'Leary keeps his horses. I like to go there and watch them. They're really big, but they're nice.

Right next to our house is a huge green field. It's so big, you can't even see the other end! My friends and I love to play football there after school. Sometimes, we even see rabbits hopping around. They're super speedy and hard to catch!

There's also a big old tree near the field. It's the tallest in Bohercrow! We call it the Giant because it's so big. I want to climb it one day when I'm bigger.

Oh, and we can't forget about the river. It's the best part! In summer, we go there to catch tadpoles and skip stones. I love listening to the water and watching the ducks swim by. They always look so peaceful.

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. Bohercrow is the best place ever, and I can't wait to grow up here!

  1. What is the name of the place where Taylor lives?
  2. Who owns the red barn at the end of Taylor's street?
  3. What activities do Taylor and their friends enjoy in the green field?
  4. What is unique about the tree near the field?
  5. What do Taylor and their friends do at the river during summer?

The Logainm of Bohercrow

Bohercrow is a special name that comes from Ireland. In Irish, it's called a "logainm", which is just a fancy name for "place name". Bohercrow is made of two Irish words - 'Boher' and 'crow'. 'Boher' means 'road' and 'crow' means 'hut'. So, Bohercrow means 'road of the hut' in English. Isn't it cool to know the meaning behind the name?

A long time ago, people in Ireland used to live in small huts. These huts were usually built near the road for easy travel. That's how places like Bohercrow got their name. Over time, the huts have been replaced with modern houses and buildings, but the name still remains as a reminder of the past.

Today, Bohercrow is a place with houses, schools, and playgrounds. It's not just a road with a hut anymore, but a home for many people. So, whenever you hear the name Bohercrow, remember it's not just a name, but a piece of history that takes us back to the time when people lived in small huts by the road.

  1. What is a logainm?
  2. What does Bohercrow mean in English?
  3. Why was the place named Bohercrow?
  4. How has Bohercrow changed from the past to the present?
  5. What can the name Bohercrow remind us about the past?

Slideshow - Bohercrow
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Bohercrow