Section 1

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Bobi. He was a very special dog because people thought he was the oldest dog in the whole world! But then, some people started to doubt how old Bobi really was.

Bobi passed away in October when he was 31 years and 165 days old. Before he died, the Guinness World Records said that he was the oldest dog ever. They even said he was older than Bluey, another dog who lived a long time ago.

But now, the Guinness World Records people are not so sure anymore. They have temporarily stopped saying that Bobi is the oldest dog. They want to make sure they have all the right information before they give him that title.

Some people are not convinced that Bobi is as old as they say. They noticed that his feet looked different in his old pictures compared to when he was a puppy. A veterinarian also said that Bobi didn't look like a very old dog.

But Bobi's owner, Leonel Costa, believes that all these doubts are not true. He says that Bobi lived a long time because he lived in a calm place and had a good diet. He thinks some people are just jealous and don't want to believe that Bobi was special.

So, for now, we don't know for sure if Bobi is the oldest dog ever. But we can still remember him as a special dog who lived a long, happy life.

  1. Why do some people doubt how old Bobi was?
  2. What did the Guinness World Records say about Bobi?
  3. Why did the Guinness World Records stop saying that Bobi is the oldest dog?
  4. What are some reasons why some people doubt Bobi's age?
  5. What does Bobi's owner, Leonel Costa, believe?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Aoife and I am 8 years old. I live in a small village called Clonmel in Ireland. Today, I want to tell you about an average day in my life. It's always fun and exciting because I have a very special friend named Bobi, a clever and mischievous dog.

Every morning, I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I quickly get ready for school and have breakfast with my family. After that, I grab my school bag and walk to the bus stop with Bobi by my side, wagging his tail happily.

At school, Bobi is not allowed inside, so I give him a big hug before saying goodbye. My favorite subjects are English and Art. I love reading stories about adventures and solving mysteries, just like the one in the book "Bobi the Dog: A Tale of Longevity and Suspicion." It's about an old dog who helps his owner find hidden treasure!

After school, Bobi and I walk back home together. We play in the park, chase squirrels, and sometimes meet other friendly dogs. Bobi loves showing off his tricks, like fetching a ball or rolling over. He's really clever!

In the evening, my mom and I cook dinner while Bobi waits patiently for any tasty leftovers. We eat together as a family and share stories from our day. Then, it's time for bed. I give Bobi a goodnight cuddle, and he curls up on his cozy bed next to mine.

  1. What is the name of the child who wrote this journal entry?
  2. Where does Aoife live?
  3. What is Aoife's favorite subject in school?
  4. What is the book "Bobi the Dog: A Tale of Longevity and Suspicion" about?
  5. What does Aoife and Bobi do after school?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! This is your friendly news reporter, bringing you the latest updates from our town. Today, we have an extraordinary story to share with you all. It's about Bobi the Dog, a lovable canine who has captured the attention and curiosity of our community. Bobi the Dog has become an overnight sensation due to his incredible longevity. At the age of 15, Bobi is still as lively and energetic as ever. Experts are amazed at this remarkable feat, as the average lifespan of a dog is usually around 10 to 13 years. Scientists are now studying Bobi's lifestyle and diet to uncover the secrets behind his extended lifespan. However, some people in the town are suspicious of Bobi's extraordinary abilities. They question whether there is something more to his story. Could Bobi possess some kind of magical power? Or is there a hidden secret behind his longevity? The mystery surrounding Bobi has led to much speculation and intrigue. Stay tuned, as we unravel the secrets of Bobi the Dog's longevity and investigate the suspicions surrounding his extraordinary tale. This is a story you won't want to miss!

  1. Unscramble the following anagram to find the name of the dog: DBOI
  2. Rearrange the letters to form a word that means "to doubt or question": SPOCUIISSN
  3. Can you unscramble this word to find the opposite of "old"? GUNOY
  4. Rearrange the letters to form a word that means "something kept secret": RYSTESE
  5. Unscramble the following letters to find a word that means "to examine in detail": STYDIUEN

Section 4

In a small town in Ireland, there lived a dog named Bobi. Bobi was no ordinary dog, for he had lived for an astonishing 20 years. The locals believed he possessed some magical powers, as his longevity was unheard of in the canine world. Bobi had become a legend in the town, and people from far and wide came to see him.

One day, a suspicious incident occurred. Bobi disappeared from his usual spot near the town square. The townsfolk were worried and began searching for him frantically. After hours of searching, they found Bobi inside a hidden cave on the outskirts of town. It seemed that someone had intentionally tried to hide him away.

  1. Why was Bobi considered special in the town?
  2. What happened to Bobi one day?
  3. Where was Bobi found after he went missing?
  4. How did the townsfolk react to Bobi's disappearance?
  5. Why do you think someone tried to hide Bobi?