Lesson 1 Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Outcome: Learn about Blaise Smith and their most famous work, The Portrait of Enda Kenny
Resources needed: Images of Blaise Smith's artwork, The Portrait of Enda Kenny
Introduction: Display images of Blaise Smith's artwork and briefly introduce the artist. Discuss the significance of The Portrait of Enda Kenny.
Development: Engage students in a class discussion about the artwork. Encourage them to share their thoughts and observations.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed and highlight the importance of studying and appreciating different forms of art.
Assessment: Observe students' participation in the discussion and their ability to express their thoughts about the artwork.
Lesson 2 Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Outcome: Focus on the main art medium Blaise Smith is best known for and give pupils the opportunity to work with this medium using The Portrait of Enda Kenny as inspiration.
Resources needed: Drawing materials (pencils, charcoal, etc.), paper, images of The Portrait of Enda Kenny
Introduction: Recap the previous lesson and emphasize the art medium used by Blaise Smith. Show examples of different drawings in this medium.
Development: Guide students through a step-by-step drawing activity inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny, using the chosen art medium.
Conclusion: Encourage students to share their drawings and discuss the challenges and successes they experienced during the activity.
Assessment: Assess students' ability to use the chosen art medium effectively and their understanding of the inspiration behind their drawings.
Lesson 3 Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Outcome: Show an original image inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny and examine what makes it inspired by it.
Resources needed: Images of The Portrait of Enda Kenny, art materials (paint, markers, colored pencils, etc.), paper or canvas
Introduction: Discuss the concept of inspiration in art and show examples of artwork inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny.
Development: Guide students in creating their own original image inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny using various art materials.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their artwork and discuss what elements make their creations inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny.
Assessment: Assess students' ability to incorporate elements from The Portrait of Enda Kenny into their own artwork.
Lesson 4 Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Outcome: Get pupils to make their own painting inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny and give them the opportunity to share their work in an interesting way.
Resources needed: Paint, brushes, canvas/paper, images of The Portrait of Enda Kenny
Introduction: Show examples of paintings inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny and discuss the process and techniques used.
Development: Guide students in creating their own painting inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny using paint and brushes.
Conclusion: Organize an art exhibition where students can display and present their paintings inspired by The Portrait of Enda Kenny.
Assessment: Assess students' ability to apply painting techniques and their creativity in interpreting The Portrait of Enda Kenny.
Note: Please repeat the structure above for Lessons 5 and 6, adjusting the outcomes and activities accordingly.