Lesson 1
Objective: The child should find out about the inspirational woman Billie Jean King, where and when she lived, and what she is famous for.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Billie Jean King, whiteboard, markers, worksheets (optional)
Introduction: Show pictures of Billie Jean King and ask the children if they recognize her. Discuss what they already know about her and introduce the objective of the lesson.
Development: Use the whiteboard to write down key information about Billie Jean King, such as her birthdate, place of birth, and her accomplishments in tennis. Discuss her major achievements and milestones in her career. Share interesting facts about her. If available, distribute worksheets for students to fill in with information about Billie Jean King.
Conclusion: Recap the main points discussed about Billie Jean King. Ask students if they have any questions or additional information to share.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by reviewing their completed worksheets (if provided) or by asking them questions about Billie Jean King's life and achievements.
Lesson 2
Objective: The child should explore Billie Jean King's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Billie Jean King, whiteboard, markers, video clips (optional)
Introduction: Show pictures of Billie Jean King and briefly recap what the children learned about her in the previous lesson. Introduce the objective of the lesson.
Development: Discuss Billie Jean King's impact on society and culture, particularly in relation to gender equality and women's rights. Talk about her advocacy for equal prize money in tennis and her founding of the Women's Tennis Association. Use video clips (if available) to further illustrate her contributions. Engage the students in a discussion about the significance of her work and how it has influenced the world.
Conclusion: Recap the main contributions of Billie Jean King and discuss any questions or thoughts the students may have.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by asking them to write a short paragraph or create a poster highlighting the impact of Billie Jean King's work on society and culture.
Lesson 3
Objective: The child should connect Billie Jean King to their own life.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils
Introduction: Begin by asking the students if they have ever faced any gender-related stereotypes or discrimination. Discuss briefly and introduce the objective of the lesson.
Development: Facilitate a class discussion on the relevance of Billie Jean King's work to their own lives. Ask students to share their thoughts on gender equality and their personal experiences. Encourage them to think about how they can contribute to creating a more equal society. Have them write down or draw their ideas on paper.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their ideas and reflections. Discuss the importance of standing up for equality and treating everyone with respect.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by reviewing their written ideas or drawings. Look for evidence of reflection and personal connection to the topic.
Lesson 4
Objective: The child should design a timeline of Billie Jean King's life.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Billie Jean King at different stages of her life, large piece of paper, markers, glue or tape
Introduction: Show pictures of Billie Jean King at different stages of her life and briefly recap what the children have learned about her in the previous lessons. Introduce the objective of the lesson.
Development: Explain to the students that they will be creating a timeline of Billie Jean King's life. Show them examples of timelines and discuss their purpose. Provide the students with pictures of Billie Jean King at different stages of her life and have them arrange the pictures in chronological order on the large piece of paper. Encourage them to label each picture with the corresponding year or age. Once the timeline is complete, have the students decorate it with markers.
Conclusion: Display the completed timelines around the classroom. Ask students to share one interesting fact they learned while creating the timeline.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by reviewing their completed timelines. Look for accuracy in sequencing the events and appropriate labeling.
Lesson 5
Objective: The child should explore Billie Jean King's contributions to sports and discuss the impact she had on the world of tennis.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Whiteboard, markers, tennis rackets (optional), tennis balls (optional)
Introduction: Begin by asking the students if they have ever played or watched a tennis match. Discuss briefly and introduce the objective of the lesson.
Development: Discuss Billie Jean King's impact on the world of tennis. Talk about her technique, style of play, and her rivalry with Bobby Riggs. If possible, demonstrate some tennis moves or show videos of her matches. Engage the students in a discussion about the significance of her contributions to sports and how she broke barriers in the tennis world.
Conclusion: Recap the main contributions of Billie Jean King to the world of tennis. Ask students if they have any questions or if they would like to share their thoughts on her impact.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by asking them to write a short paragraph or create a poster highlighting Billie Jean King's contributions to sports.
Lesson 6
Objective: The child should reflect on the lessons learned from Billie Jean King's life and identify ways they can make a positive impact in their own communities.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils
Introduction: Begin by asking the students to think about the lessons they have learned from Billie Jean King's life. Discuss briefly and introduce the objective of the lesson.
Development: Facilitate a class discussion on the lessons learned from Billie Jean King's life, such as the importance of fighting for equality, standing up against discrimination, and making a positive impact in society. Ask students to reflect on these lessons and think about ways they can make a positive difference in their own communities. Have them write down or draw their ideas on paper.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their ideas and reflections. Discuss the importance of taking action and making a positive impact in the world.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by reviewing their written ideas or drawings. Look for evidence of reflection and practical ways they can contribute to their communities.