Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Billeragh East Lyrebarry Co. Cork 60 minutes History books, Internet access Discuss about different places in Ireland and introduce Billeragh East Lyrebarry Co. Cork. Activity1: Research on the history of the place. Activity2: Discuss about the logainm of the placename. Activity3: Create a timeline of important historical events of the place. Summarize the history and discuss the importance of history for a place. Quiz to assess their understanding of the history.
2: Notable Person from the area 60 minutes Biographies, Internet access Discuss what makes a person notable and introduce the notable person from the area. Activity1: Research on the notable person. Activity2: Discuss the contribution of the person to the area. Activity3: Role-play the life of the notable person. Summarize the life and achievements of the notable person. Written assignment on the notable person.
3: Natural Geography of the Area 60 minutes Maps, Internet access, Field trip if possible Introduce the geographical features of Billeragh East Lyrebarry Co. Cork. Activity1: Identify the geographical features on a map. Activity2: Discuss how these features impact the life of the people in the area. Activity3: If possible, visit the place. Summarize the geographical features and their importance. Quiz on geographical features of the place.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, rulers, pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Activity1: Draw a map of the area. Activity2: Identify important landmarks on the map. Activity3: Discuss how to use a map for navigation. Summarize the importance of maps and how to use them. Assess the maps drawn by the students.
5: Biodiversity Lesson 60 minutes Field trip, Internet access Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity1: Explore the area for different species of plants and animals. Activity2: Discuss the importance of these species for the ecosystem. Activity3: Discuss ways to protect the biodiversity. Summarize the biodiversity of the area and the need for its protection. Written assignment on the biodiversity of the area and ways to protect it.
6: Visual Arts Lesson 60 minutes Art supplies Discuss how nature can inspire art. Activity1: Choose a feature of the area to draw/paint. Activity2: Discuss how the feature chosen can be represented in art. Activity3: Create the artwork. Discuss the artworks created and how they represent the area. Assess the artwork and the thought process behind it.