Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Discovering Beverly Cleary 60 minutes Whiteboard, markers, map of the USA, Beverly Cleary books, projector Introduce Beverly Cleary with a brief story from one of her books. Show on the map where Beverly Cleary was born and lived. Discuss the time period she lived in. Have students locate these places on individual maps. Review key facts about Beverly Cleary's life and her significance. Students will write a short paragraph about Beverly Cleary's birthplace and time period.
Lesson 2: Contributions to Literature 60 minutes Beverly Cleary books, chart paper, markers Read an excerpt from a Beverly Cleary book. Discuss the themes and characters in Cleary's books. Create a chart of her contributions to children's literature. Summarize the impact of Beverly Cleary's work on children's literature. Students will create a poster highlighting Beverly Cleary's contributions to literature.
Lesson 3: Connecting to Beverly Cleary 60 minutes Paper, pencils, Beverly Cleary books Share a personal connection or favorite memory related to reading a Beverly Cleary book. Have students discuss how they relate to characters or situations in Cleary's books. Have them write a short story inspired by their own life, similar to Cleary's style. Share and discuss student stories with the class. Students will present their stories to the class.
Lesson 4: Timeline of Beverly Cleary's Life 60 minutes Chart paper, markers, printouts of significant events in Cleary's life, scissors, glue Introduce the concept of a timeline with examples. Divide students into groups and provide them with printouts of significant events in Beverly Cleary's life. Have them arrange the events in chronological order on chart paper. Present the timelines to the class and discuss any differences. Students will create a detailed, accurate timeline of Beverly Cleary's life.
Lesson 5: The Impact of Beverly Cleary 60 minutes Paper, pencils, Beverly Cleary books, projector, internet for research Discuss the lasting impact of Beverly Cleary's books on readers and society. Research and discuss how Cleary's books have been received over the years and their influence on other writers and media. Watch a short video about her impact. Summarize key points about Cleary's impact on society and culture. Students will write an essay on how Beverly Cleary has influenced modern children's literature and their own reading habits.
Lesson 6: Classroom Celebration of Beverly Cleary 60 minutes Whiteboard, markers, Beverly Cleary books, decorations, snacks Introduce the idea of celebrating Beverly Cleary's contributions. Have students share their favorite Beverly Cleary books or characters. Organize a read-aloud session where students take turns reading their favorite excerpts. Host a small celebration with snacks, decorations, and a display of student work related to Beverly Cleary. Students will participate in the celebration and share their reflections on Beverly Cleary's impact.