Here are the 4 individual lesson plans to teach about Bernardo O'Higgins: Lesson 1: Discovering Bernardo O'Higgins Objective: The child should find out the historical figure Bernardo O'Higgins, where and when they lived, and what they are famous for. Time allocation: 45 minutes Resources needed: Bernardo O'Higgins biography, world map, markers, large paper | Section | Description | |--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Introduction | Show the world map to the students and locate Chile. Introduce the concept of a historical figure and explain that they will be learning about Bernardo O'Higgins. | | Development | Read the Bernardo O'Higgins biography together as a class, highlighting key information such as birthplace, dates, and accomplishments. Discuss and answer any questions. | | Conclusion | Have students individually write down three important facts about Bernardo O'Higgins that they learned today. Share and discuss their findings. | | Assessment | Evaluate students' written facts about Bernardo O'Higgins for accuracy and understanding. | Lesson 2: Exploring Bernardo O'Higgins's Contributions Objective: The child should explore the historical figure Bernardo O'Higgins's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact the figure had on their time and how their work has influenced the world. Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Bernardo O'Higgins pictures, large paper, markers | Section | Description | |--------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Introduction | Show pictures of Bernardo O'Higgins and briefly recap what was learned in the previous lesson about his life. | | Development | Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific contribution of Bernardo O'Higgins. Have them research and discuss the impact of that contribution. | | Conclusion | Each group presents their findings to the class, highlighting the importance and influence of Bernardo O'Higgins's contributions. | | Assessment | Observe students' participation in group discussions and evaluate their presentations for understanding and accuracy. | Lesson 3: Connecting Bernardo O'Higgins to My Life Objective: The child should connect the historical figure Bernardo O'Higgins to their own life. Time allocation: 45 minutes Resources needed: Bernardo O'Higgins quotes, craft supplies (paper, scissors, glue, markers) | Section | Description | |--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Introduction | Share a famous quote by Bernardo O'Higgins and discuss its meaning with the students. | | Development | Have students create a craft or artwork that represents how they can apply Bernardo O'Higgins's quote to their own life. | | Conclusion | Students share their crafts/artworks and explain how they can relate Bernardo O'Higgins's quote to their own experiences. | | Assessment | Evaluate students' crafts/artworks and their ability to explain the connection between the quote and their own life. | Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Bernardo O'Higgins's Life Objective: The child should design a timeline of the life of the historical figure Bernardo O'Higgins. Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Bernardo O'Higgins timeline template, markers, pencils, rulers | Section | Description | |--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Introduction | Show the Bernardo O'Higgins timeline template to the students and explain its purpose. | | Development | Provide students with information about key events in Bernardo O'Higgins's life. Guide them in filling out the timeline. | | Conclusion | Students present their completed timelines to the class, explaining the significance of each event. | | Assessment | Evaluate students' completed timelines for accuracy, understanding of key events, and ability to explain significance. |