Objective Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed
Objective 1 Exploring Themes 60 minutes Copy of the book, chart paper, markers
Objective 2 Writing a Summary 45 minutes Copy of the book, writing paper, pencils
Objective 3 Writing a Review 60 minutes Copy of the book, writing paper, pencils
Objective 4 Creating a Story 90 minutes Chart paper, markers, writing paper, pencils

Objective 1: Exploring Themes

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Copy of the book, chart paper, markers


1. Begin by introducing the book Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz to the students.

2. Engage the students in a brief discussion about the importance of themes in a book and how they can help us understand the story better.


1. Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a specific theme from the book (e.g., friendship, identity, family).

2. Provide each group with a copy of the book and ask them to read the relevant sections related to their assigned theme.

3. Instruct the groups to create a chart on the chart paper with the following headings: Theme, Examples from the Book, Personal Connections.

4. Give the groups enough time to discuss and write down their findings under each heading.


1. Ask each group to present their chart to the class, explaining the theme, providing examples from the book, and sharing their personal connections.

2. Facilitate a class discussion on the different themes explored in the book and their significance.

3. Emphasize the importance of understanding and appreciating the themes in a story.


Observe the students' participation in the small group discussions and their ability to analyze and discuss the themes effectively.

Objective 2: Writing a Summary

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Copy of the book, writing paper, pencils


1. Remind the students about the book Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz.

2. Explain that they will be writing a summary of the book, which is a brief overview of the main events and ideas.


1. Distribute writing paper and pencils to the students.

2. Instruct the students to read the entire book independently or in small groups.

3. Encourage them to take notes or highlight important points as they read.

4. Guide the students in structuring their summary by focusing on the main characters, key events, and the overall message of the book.

5. Provide support and assistance to students who may need help organizing their thoughts or summarizing effectively.


1. Give the students time to complete their summaries.

2. Allow some students to share their summaries with the class, if time permits.

3. Discuss the importance of concise writing and the ability to capture the essence of a story in a summary.


Review the students' written summaries for accuracy, coherence, and their ability to convey the main ideas of the book effectively.

Objective 3: Writing a Review

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Copy of the book, writing paper, pencils


1. Begin by discussing the concept of a book review and its purpose.

2. Explain that the students will be writing a review of the book Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz to share their thoughts and opinions with others.


1. Provide each student with writing paper and pencils.

2. Instruct the students to read the book again or revisit specific sections they found impactful.

3. Guide them in expressing their thoughts and opinions about the book, including aspects they liked, disliked, and any personal connections they made.

4. Encourage them to use descriptive language and provide examples from the book to support their opinions.

5. Remind them to consider the target audience when writing their reviews.


1. Give the students sufficient time to complete their reviews.

2. Allow some students to share their reviews with the class, if time permits.

3. Discuss the importance of expressing opinions respectfully and the value of sharing book recommendations with others.


Evaluate the students' reviews based on their ability to express their thoughts clearly, support their opinions with examples, and engage the target audience effectively.

Objective 4: Creating a Story

Time Allocation: 90 minutes

Resources Needed: Chart paper, markers, writing paper, pencils


1. Begin by revisiting the themes explored in the book Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz.

2. Explain that the students will be creating their own story based on one or more of these themes.


1. Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a theme from the book.

2. Provide each group with chart paper and markers.

3. Instruct the groups to brainstorm ideas for their story, considering characters, setting, conflict, and resolution.

4. Encourage them to collaborate and build on each other's ideas.

5. Once the groups have a clear plan, distribute writing paper and pencils.

6. Guide the students in writing their stories, emphasizing the importance of a clear beginning, middle, and end.

7. Remind them to edit and revise their work for clarity and coherence.


1. Give the students time to complete their stories.

2. Allow each group to present their story to the class, if time permits.

3. Discuss the creativity and effort put into each story, highlighting the importance of planning and revision in the writing process.


Assess the students' stories based on their ability to develop characters, create a coherent plot, and effectively incorporate the chosen theme(s) from the book.