Lesson 1: Introduction to Benazir Bhutto
Time allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Pictures of Benazir Bhutto, whiteboard, markers, internet access

- Show pictures of Benazir Bhutto and ask students if they know who she is.
- Explain that Benazir Bhutto was an inspirational woman who lived in Pakistan and became the first female prime minister of a Muslim country.

- Discuss with students the significance of being the first female prime minister in a Muslim country.
- Use the internet to show pictures and videos of Benazir Bhutto and her work.
- Have a class discussion about her contributions to society and culture.

- Summarize the key points discussed.
- Ask students what they have learned about Benazir Bhutto.

- Ask students to draw a picture of Benazir Bhutto and write a sentence about why she is an inspirational woman.
Lesson 2: Benazir Bhutto's Contributions
Time allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, internet access

- Recap the previous lesson about Benazir Bhutto.
- Explain that today, students will explore her contributions to society and culture.

- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific contribution of Benazir Bhutto.
- Provide resources such as books and internet access for students to research their assigned contribution.
- Each group presents their findings to the class.
- Have a class discussion about the impact of Benazir Bhutto's work on their time and the world.

- Summarize the contributions discussed.
- Ask students to reflect on how Benazir Bhutto's work has influenced them and the world.

- Ask students to write a short paragraph about one contribution of Benazir Bhutto and its impact.
Lesson 3: Connecting Benazir Bhutto to Our Lives
Time allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils

- Ask students if they think Benazir Bhutto's work has any connection to their lives.
- Explain that today, they will explore the connection between Benazir Bhutto and their lives.

- Brainstorm with the class about issues and challenges they face in their lives.
- Discuss how Benazir Bhutto worked towards similar issues in her country.
- Ask students to think about ways they can contribute to their community, inspired by Benazir Bhutto's work.
- Have a class discussion and share ideas.

- Summarize the connections made between Benazir Bhutto and their lives.
- Encourage students to take action in their own communities.

- Ask students to write a short paragraph about how they can contribute to their community, inspired by Benazir Bhutto's work.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Benazir Bhutto's Life
Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Large paper, markers, pictures of Benazir Bhutto's life events

- Show pictures of Benazir Bhutto's life events.
- Explain that today, students will create a timeline of her life.

- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific period of Benazir Bhutto's life.
- Provide resources such as pictures and books for students to gather information about their assigned period.
- Each group creates a timeline segment for their period.
- Assemble the timeline segments and discuss the overall timeline of Benazir Bhutto's life.

- Summarize the key events of Benazir Bhutto's life.
- Reflect on the significance of each event.

- Assess the accuracy and completeness of each group's timeline segment.
Lesson 5: Benazir Bhutto's Legacy
Time allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers

- Ask students if they know what the word "legacy" means.
- Explain that today, they will explore Benazir Bhutto's lasting impact and legacy.

- Brainstorm with the class about the meaning of legacy.
- Discuss the ways in which Benazir Bhutto's work and achievements have left a legacy.
- Have a class discussion about how they can contribute to leaving a positive legacy in their own lives.

- Summarize the concept of legacy and Benazir Bhutto's legacy in particular.
- Encourage students to think about the legacy they want to leave behind.

- Ask students to write a short paragraph about the legacy they would like to leave behind and how they can work towards it.
Lesson 6: Review and Reflection
Time allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers

- Review the key points learned about Benazir Bhutto throughout the previous lessons.
- Explain that today, students will have an opportunity to reflect on their overall learning.

- Have a class discussion about the most memorable aspects of their learning journey about Benazir Bhutto.
- Ask students to share how their understanding of Benazir Bhutto and her contributions has changed or grown.
- Encourage students to ask any remaining questions or share any additional thoughts.

- Summarize the reflections shared by students.
- Thank students for their active participation and engagement.

- Observe and assess students' active participation in the discussion and the depth of their reflections.