Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Bearna Co. Galway 60 minutes Books, Internet, Projector Begin with a brief overview of the history of Bearna Co. Galway, specifically the logainm of the placename.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the origin and meaning of the placename.
  • Activity 2: Show a documentary or video about the history of Bearna.
  • Activity 3: Let the students research about the history of Bearna and present it to the class.
Recap the main points and ask questions to ensure comprehension. Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they learned in their notebooks.
2: Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Books, Internet Introduce a notable person from or related to the area.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the life and achievements of the person.
  • Activity 2: Show a documentary or video about the person.
  • Activity 3: Have students research more about the person and share their findings with the class.
Summarize the person's contribution to the area or society. Ask students to write a short biography of the person in their notebooks.
3: Geography of the Area 60 minutes Maps, Internet, Projector Introduce the geographic features of Bearna Co. Galway.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the rivers, mountains, lakes, beaches, etc. in the area.
  • Activity 2: Show images or videos of the geographic features.
  • Activity 3: Have students research more about the geography and present their findings.
Recap the main points about the geography of the area. Ask students to draw and label a map of the area in their notebooks.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Colored Pencils Introduce the concept and importance of mapping.
  • Activity 1: Demonstrate how to read and interpret a map.
  • Activity 2: Have students practice mapping the area.
  • Activity 3: Discuss the importance of accurate mapping for navigation and planning.
Summarize the important points about mapping. Assess students' maps for accuracy and completeness.
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Internet, Projector, Outdoor Space Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the various types of biodiversity in the area.
  • Activity 2: Take the students on a field trip to observe biodiversity.
  • Activity 3: Discuss ways to protect and preserve biodiversity.
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it. Ask students to write a short essay on the importance of biodiversity and how to preserve it.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art Supplies Introduce the concept of using local surroundings as inspiration for art.
  • Activity 1: Discuss various art forms and how they can depict the local area.
  • Activity 2: Have students create their own piece of art inspired by Bearna.
  • Activity 3: Have a class exhibition of the art created.
Appreciate the students' creativity and their interpretation of Bearna through art. Evaluate the students' artwork and their understanding of using local surroundings as inspiration.