Welcome to Bawnatemple

Bawnatemple is a special, little townland in County Cork, Ireland. "Townland" is just a fancy word we use in Ireland to describe a very small area of land. Imagine your school playground, but much, much bigger!

The name "Bawnatemple" is really interesting! It comes from the Irish language and means "the white house of the church". Isn't that a cool name? Just like its name, the townland has a rich history.

A long time ago, Bawnatemple was home to a big, beautiful house called Bawnatemple House. This house was very important because it was where the local landlord lived. The landlord was like the boss of the townland, owning lots of the land and helping to make sure everything ran smoothly.

There's no big event that happened in Bawnatemple, like a famous battle or a king's coronation. But, that doesn't make it any less important. Bawnatemple is a wonderful example of a quiet, peaceful Irish townland with a deep history. It has seen generations of families grow up, farmers tend their fields, and children, just like you, going to school and playing with their friends.

So, even though it might seem small, Bawnatemple is a place full of stories and history. Just think, maybe someday you could discover a new story about it!

  1. What is a "townland"? Can you describe it?
  2. What does the name "Bawnatemple" mean?
  3. Who used to live in the Bawnatemple House?
  4. Why is Bawnatemple considered important, even without a big historical event?
  5. Imagine you are a historian exploring Bawnatemple. What kind of story or history do you think you might discover? Why?

All About Bawnatemple

Bawnatemple is a charming place in County Cork, Ireland. It's a small but delightful part of the world! It doesn't have many notable streets because it's so small, but it's filled with wonderful views and lots of green.

The area is known for its pretty countryside, filled with lush green fields where cows and sheep love to graze. You can often see cute rabbits hopping around and birds singing in the trees. Speaking of trees, Bawnatemple is surrounded by lovely oak and ash trees. You might even find a squirrel or two in them!

Bawnatemple doesn't have any big mountains, but it has some gentle hills where you can climb and see beautiful views of the whole area. There's a small stream that flows near the village where you might spot some fish or even a playful otter.

The area is filled with traditional Irish stone walls, which are like outdoor furniture for the countryside. They are used to divide fields and keep animals safe.

While Bawnatemple is small, it's a beautiful place to explore the outdoors. It's a little piece of the wonderful Irish countryside, filled with nature and beauty.

  1. What animals can you find in the area of Bawnatemple?
  2. Describe the geographical features of Bawnatemple.
  3. What is the purpose of the traditional Irish stone walls in Bawnatemple?
  4. Explore Bawnatemple and find something of geographical interest. What is it and why did it catch your attention?
  5. Using a map, locate Bawnatemple. What towns or cities are nearby? What geographic features can you identify?

My Family and Bawnatemple

Hi! I'm Elliott, and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Bawnatemple in Co. Cork. It's a really fun place to grow up because there's so much to do and see. My favorite thing is the amazing Bawnatemple Castle. It's really, really old, like hundreds of years! I like to imagine I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons.

Another fun thing near my house is the River Lee. Sometimes I go with my dad and we try to spot fish in the water. We even saw a heron once! It was so tall and silent, just like a statue. It's so cool to have a river right in my backyard!

I also love the big, green fields all around Bawnatemple. One time, I saw a fox running across one. It was so fast and sly, just like in the stories. There's always something exciting happening in Bawnatemple!

  1. What is Elliott's favorite local landmark in Bawnatemple?
  2. How does Elliott feel about living in Bawnatemple?
  3. What animals has Elliott seen near the River Lee?
  4. Why does Elliott like the fields around Bawnatemple?
  5. What activities does Elliott like to do in Bawnatemple?

The Logainm of Bawnatemple

Bawnatemple is a special place in County Cork, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words 'Bán na Teampaill', which means 'The Field of the Church'. Long, long ago, in olden times, there might have been an important church in this field. People from all around would have come to pray and celebrate special days here. Now, it's hard to see any signs of the old church, but the name 'Bawnatemple' reminds us of it.

Over time, people started to say the name in English, and it became 'Bawnatemple'. Even though we don't say the name in Irish anymore, it's still important because it tells us about the history of the place and the people who lived there long ago. The name 'Bawnatemple' connects the past with the present and helps us remember the old church that once stood in the field.

  1. What does 'Bawnatemple' mean in English?
  2. What might have been in the field of Bawnatemple long ago?
  3. Why is the name 'Bawnatemple' important even if we don't say it in Irish anymore?
  4. How does the name 'Bawnatemple' connect the past with the present?
  5. Can you imagine what the old church in Bawnatemple might have looked like?

Slideshow - Bawnatemple
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Bawnatemple