Lesson Time allocation Resources needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Baurstookeen Golden Co. Tipperary 60 minutes Books, Internet resources, Interactive whiteboard Introduce the history of Baurstookeen Golden Co. Tipperary and explain the origin of its name. 1) Discussion on the history of the area. 2) Research activity on the name origin. 3) Group presentation of findings. Recap on the history and name origin of Baurstookeen Golden Co. Tipperary. Group presentation and class discussion.
2: Notable person from the area 60 minutes Books, Internet resources Introduce a notable person from the area (or nearby). 1) Research activity on the person's life. 2) Role play activity. 3) Group discussion on the person's impact on the area. Summarize the person's life and impact on the area. Role play and group discussion.
3: Geography of the area 60 minutes Maps, Internet resources, Interactive whiteboard Introduce the natural geography of Baurstookeen Golden Co. Tipperary. 1) Exploration of maps. 2) Research activity on the area's geography. 3) Group discussion on the area's natural features. Recap on the area's natural geography. Group discussion and map reading.
4: Mapping skills 60 minutes Maps, Rulers, Colored pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. 1) Mapping activity of the local area. 2) Pair work on map reading. 3) Group discussion on map symbols and directions. Summarize the importance of mapping and map skills. Map creation and reading.
5: Biodiversity of the area 60 minutes Internet resources, Books, Field trip(optional) Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. 1) Research activity on local biodiversity. 2) Discussion on protection of biodiversity. 3) Create a poster on protecting local biodiversity. Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. Poster creation and group discussion.
6: Visual arts lesson 60 minutes Art supplies, Pictures of local area Introduce the concept of using local area as a stimulus for art. 1) Discussion on how nature can inspire art. 2) Create a piece of art inspired by local area. 3) Group discussion and presentation of art pieces. Summarize the importance of art in expressing nature's beauty. Art creation and presentation.