All about Barbara McClintock

Barbara McClintock was an amazing scientist who made important discoveries in the field of genetics. She was born in 1902 in Connecticut, USA.

As a child, Barbara loved being outdoors and exploring nature. She was curious about how plants and animals grow and change. This curiosity led her to study science when she grew up.

Barbara went to college and studied biology. She became interested in genetics, which is the study of how traits are passed down from parents to children. Barbara wanted to understand how plants inherit their characteristics.

She worked hard and spent many years studying corn plants. Barbara discovered something incredible – tiny pieces of DNA called "jumping genes." These genes can move around in a plant's DNA and change how it grows and develops.

At first, other scientists didn't believe Barbara's discoveries. But she never gave up and kept working on her research. Eventually, her work was recognized and she received many awards for her discoveries.

Barbara's discoveries revolutionized the field of genetics and helped scientists understand how traits are inherited. She showed that genes are not always fixed and can change over time.

Barbara McClintock's dedication and love for science inspire us all to be curious and never give up on our dreams. She showed us that anyone, no matter their gender or background, can make important discoveries that change the world.

  1. What did Barbara McClintock study in college?
  2. What did Barbara discover in corn plants?
  3. Why did some scientists not believe Barbara's discoveries at first?
  4. How did Barbara's work revolutionize the field of genetics?
  5. What can we learn from Barbara McClintock's dedication and love for science?

A Visit to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Hi, my name is Daniel and I am 8 years old. I want to tell you about my recent visit to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. It was so cool! We learned about this amazing scientist named Barbara McClintock who did really important research there.

We went to this special tourist attraction in the laboratory called the McClintock Greenhouse. It was named after Barbara McClintock because she was famous for her work with corn plants. Inside the greenhouse, there were rows and rows of corn plants. I never knew that corn plants could be so interesting!

We had a guide who told us all about Barbara McClintock and her discoveries. She told us that Barbara was really curious about how genes worked in plants. She spent a lot of time studying corn plants and discovered something called "jumping genes." Can you believe that genes can actually move around inside plants? It's like they have little legs!

The guide showed us some special corn plants that had different colors because of these jumping genes. Some of the kernels were purple and some were white. It was really cool to see how Barbara McClintock's work still influences scientists today.

  1. What was the name of the scientist we learned about at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory?
  2. What is the special tourist attraction at the laboratory named after this scientist?
  3. What did Barbara McClintock study in plants?
  4. What did Barbara McClintock discover about genes?
  5. What did the guide show us that was influenced by Barbara McClintock's work?

Barbara McClintock Fact Finder

Year Born 
Place Born
Most famous for...
Is there anything named after them?
If deceased, year they died
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Barbara McClintock, your job is to create a timeline of her life. You should add all the important events in her life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!
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