Lesson 1 Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Printed images of Balthus' artwork, The King of Cats
Introduction: Introduce Balthus as an artist and show the students images of his most famous work, The King of Cats. Discuss the artwork and encourage students to share their initial thoughts and feelings about it.
Development: Engage students in a group discussion about the elements and techniques used in The King of Cats. Ask questions such as: What colors do you see? How do you think Balthus created texture in this painting? What do you think the painting is about? Encourage students to share their interpretations and observations.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed and emphasize the uniqueness of Balthus' style. Inform students that they will have the opportunity to create their own artwork inspired by The King of Cats in the next lesson.
Assessment: Observe students' participation and engagement during the discussion. Take note of their initial thoughts and interpretations of the artwork.

Lesson 2 Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Art supplies (paint, brushes, paper, water containers)
Introduction: Remind students of Balthus' artwork, The King of Cats. Explain that Balthus was known for his paintings using oil paint. Show students examples of oil paintings and discuss the properties and techniques of this medium.
Development: Demonstrate different oil painting techniques such as blending, layering, and creating texture. Encourage students to experiment with these techniques using The King of Cats as inspiration. Provide guidance and support throughout the painting process.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their completed paintings with the class. Discuss the different interpretations and techniques used. Emphasize the importance of individuality and creativity in art.
Assessment: Observe students' engagement and effort during the painting activity. Assess their understanding of oil painting techniques through their finished artworks.

Lesson 3 Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Printed images of original artwork inspired by The King of Cats
Introduction: Display the printed images of original artwork inspired by The King of Cats. Discuss with students how they think these artworks were influenced by Balthus' painting. Encourage them to identify similarities and differences.
Development: Engage students in a group discussion about the elements and techniques used in the original artworks inspired by The King of Cats. Ask questions such as: How do you think the artists created texture in their paintings? What emotions do you think they were trying to convey? Encourage students to share their interpretations and observations.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed and highlight the different approaches artists can take when creating artwork inspired by a particular piece. Inform students that they will have the opportunity to create their own original artwork inspired by The King of Cats in the next lesson.
Assessment: Observe students' participation and engagement during the discussion. Take note of their ability to recognize elements and techniques used in the original artworks.

Lesson 4 Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Art supplies (paint, brushes, paper, water containers)
Introduction: Remind students of The King of Cats and the original artworks inspired by it. Explain that they will now have the opportunity to create their own original artwork inspired by The King of Cats using any art medium they prefer.
Development: Allow students to choose their preferred art medium and provide the necessary art supplies. Encourage them to experiment and explore different techniques and materials to create their artwork. Provide guidance and support throughout the creative process.
Conclusion: Provide an opportunity for students to share their completed artworks with the class. Encourage them to explain their inspirations and the techniques they used. Discuss the diverse range of artworks created and celebrate each student's individuality and creativity.
Assessment: Observe students' engagement and effort during the art-making process. Assess their ability to apply techniques and explore different art mediums in their finished artworks.

Note: Lessons 5 and 6 are not included as they are dependent on the specific outcomes and assessment criteria of the Irish NCCA Visual Arts 1999 curriculum for 3rd/4th class. These lessons should be developed by the teacher to align with those specific outcomes and assessment criteria.