Welcome to Ballytrasna

Ballytrasna is a lovely little townland in County Cork, Ireland. It's like a small piece in a big jigsaw puzzle that makes up our wonderful country. Many, many years ago, before your great-great-grandparents were born, people started to settle in Ballytrasna.

Imagine, instead of houses and roads, there were fields and forests. The early settlers cleared small patches of land to build homes and grow their food. They used stones to make their houses, which were called cottages. If you ever go there, you might still see some of these old cottages!

Even though Ballytrasna might seem like a quiet place now, it has its own stories to tell. There was no big battle or famous person from there, but the people who lived there were brave and hardworking, just like you. They worked on the land, took care of their families and helped their neighbours.

Even today, the spirit of community is strong in Ballytrasna. It's a place where everyone knows each other, and every year, they come together for a big fair! So, Ballytrasna may be a small townland, but it has a big heart.

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What did the early settlers in Ballytrasna use to build their houses?
  3. What is a special event that happens every year in Ballytrasna?
  4. Why do you think the author describes Ballytrasna as a small piece in a big jigsaw puzzle?
  5. Imagine you are a child living in Ballytrasna many years ago. How would your daily life be different from your life now?

All About Ballytrasna

Ballytrasna, in the heart of County Cork, Ireland, is a fascinating place to learn about. Our little adventure starts at Main Street, a lively street filled with friendly faces and colorful shops. Look around and you might spot the famous old green bench, a special place where locals love to gather and share stories.

This area is also a nature lover's paradise. Ballytrasna is home to many animals and plants. Get ready to meet the friendly Irish hares hopping around and spot some cheeky squirrels dashing up the trees. If you're lucky, you might even see a red deer! As for plants, you'll find plenty of beautiful wildflowers like the bright yellow gorse and purple heather.

The River Lee flows gently through Ballytrasna, making it a great place for ducks and other water-loving creatures. The river's water is so clear, you can see the fish swimming! Nearby, you’ll find the Knockmealdown Mountains. They may seem gigantic, but don't worry, they’re friendly giants.

Ballytrasna is a wonderful place where you can learn, make friends, and have lots of fun. It's a little piece of Ireland's magic waiting for you to discover!

  1. What types of animals might you encounter in Ballytrasna?
  2. Describe the River Lee and its importance to the local ecosystem.
  3. What are some of the plants you might find in Ballytrasna?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Ballytrasna and the Knockmealdown Mountains?
  5. Explore Ballytrasna and find something of geographical interest. What did you discover?

My Family and Ballytrasna

Hi, I'm Zephyr and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Ballytrasna in Co. Cork. It's in Ireland! There are lots of neat things here. My favourite is the big, funny shaped rock near our house. It's actually a dolmen. That's a really old stone structure. People say it's been there for thousands of years!

We also have a beautiful beach that's just a short bike ride away. I love to build sandcastles and look for shells. Sometimes, I even see seals! They are super cute and fun to watch.

I also love the forests around our town. There are so many trees and animals. I like to go on walks with my dad and little sister. We try to spot as many different types of birds as we can. My dad says it's important to take care of our environment because it's home to all these creatures.

Growing up in Ballytrasna is fun. There's always something to do and somewhere to explore. I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you!

  1. What's your favourite thing about where you live?
  2. Have you ever seen a dolmen or another ancient structure?
  3. What kind of animals live in your local environment?
  4. Why is it important to take care of our environment?
  5. What adventures would you like to go on in your town?

The Logainm of Ballytrasna

Ballytrasna is a small place in County Cork, which is found in the south of Ireland. 'Ballytrasna' is its name in Irish, but in English, it means 'the town of the strand'. The word 'Bally' means 'town', and 'trasna' means 'across' or 'strand'. So, the name probably comes from the way the town is located across a strand or stretch of land.

A long time ago, Ireland was a land of many small kingdoms, each with its own king. These kings would often name their towns and villages in their own language, which was Irish. Over time, these Irish names were translated into English, and that's how we have names like Ballytrasna today.

Today, Ballytrasna is a quiet place, but it still holds onto its history. The Irish name 'Ballytrasna' is a reminder of the times long ago when kings ruled, and Irish was the language spoken by everyone. And even though we now speak English, we still use these old Irish names to remember our past.

  1. What does the name 'Ballytrasna' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the town was named 'Ballytrasna'?
  3. What language was spoken in Ireland a long time ago?
  4. Who used to rule in Ireland, and what language did they speak?
  5. Why do you think we still use old Irish names for places today?

Slideshow - Ballytrasna
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Ballytrasna