Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Ballynaroon Glounthaune Co. Cork 60 Minutes Printed info sheets, internet access for research Brief overview of Ballynaroon Glounthaune Co. Cork's history
  • Discussion of the area's history
  • Research activity on logainm of the placename
  • Group activity to create a timeline of the area's history
Review of key historical facts about the area Class discussion and timeline review
2: Notable Person from the Area 60 Minutes Internet access, books about the notable person Introduction to the notable person
  • Discussion about the person's life and achievements
  • Research activity on the person
  • Role play activity based on the person's life
Summary of the notable person's contribution to the area Class discussion and role play evaluation
3: Geography of the Area 60 Minutes Maps of the area, images of geographical features Introduction to the geography of the area
  • Discussion about the area's geographical features
  • Map analysis activity
  • Outdoor exploration of the area (if possible)
Summary of the area's geographical features Map analysis and outdoor exploration review
4: Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Blank maps, pencils, rulers Introduction to mapping skills
  • Demonstration of how to draw a map
  • Activity to draw a map of the area
  • Peer review of the drawn maps
Review of the importance of mapping skills Map drawing and peer review evaluation
5: Biodiversity 60 Minutes Internet access, printed info sheets about local biodiversity Introduction to biodiversity
  • Discussion about local biodiversity
  • Research activity about local biodiversity
  • Discussion about how to protect local biodiversity
Summary of local biodiversity and its importance Class discussion and research review
6: Visual Arts 60 Minutes Art supplies Introduction to using the local area as art inspiration
  • Demonstration of how to use the local area for art inspiration
  • Activity to create art inspired by the area
  • Art showcase & peer review
Reflection on the use of the local area as an art inspiration Art showcase and peer review evaluation