Here are the 6 individual lesson plans in HTML format: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Ballynakill 1 hour History textbooks, Internet access, Map of Ireland Introduction to Ballynakill and its history Activity 1: Research on the Internet about Ballynakill's history. Activity 2: Discussion about the history of the placename. Activity 3: Role play of historical events. Summary of the historical significance of Ballynakill. Quiz on Ballynakill's history and placename.
2: Notable Person from Ballynakill 1 hour Biographies, Internet access Introduction to the notable person Activity 1: Reading and discussing the biography. Activity 2: Research and presentation about the notable person. Activity 3: Role play of the notable person's life. Summary of the notable person's contributions. Presentation on the notable person.
3: Geography of Ballynakill 1 hour Geography textbooks, Map of Ballynakill, Internet access Introduction to Ballynakill's geography Activity 1: Map reading and identification of key geographical features. Activity 2: Research on the Internet about Ballynakill's geography. Activity 3: Model making of the geographical features. Summary of Ballynakill's geographical features. Quiz on Ballynakill's geography.
4: Mapping Skills 1 hour Map of Ballynakill, Rulers, Pencils Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Identifying key landmarks on the map. Activity 2: Drawing their own map of Ballynakill. Activity 3: Using the map to navigate around the school. Summary of the importance of mapping skills. Assessment of the children's maps and navigation skills.
5: Biodiversity 1 hour Biodiversity textbooks, Internet access Introduction to biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Identifying different species in Ballynakill. Activity 2: Discussion about the importance of protecting biodiversity. Activity 3: Making posters about biodiversity protection. Summary of Ballynakill's biodiversity and conservation efforts. Presentation of the posters and a quiz on biodiversity.
6: Visual Arts 1 hour Art supplies, Pictures of Ballynakill Introduction to visual arts and Ballynakill's scenery Activity 1: Drawing or painting a scene from Ballynakill. Activity 2: Making a collage of Ballynakill's scenery. Activity 3: Sculpting a landmark from Ballynakill. Summary of Ballynakill's influence on their artworks. Exhibition of the children's artworks.
``` Please make sure to replace the placeholders with actual activities and assessments suitable for your class. The HTML is formatted in a table with each row representing a lesson and each column representing a section of the lesson plan.